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  • Users: Luckyt21
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  1. Luckyt21


    11 month old orpington. Ascites? She is also limping favoring her right leg. With slightly labored respirations. She laid an egg for sure yesterday & I think she also laid today. She has always been a HEAVY girl. I soaked her in epsom salts tonight & I am considering draining the large...
  2. Luckyt21

    Molting question

    Is it normal for chickens to have their first molt in January in cold Minnesota or has there been feather picking going on? I have 15 chickens (11 hens & 4 silkie roosters). 1 of the hens is missing a lot of feathers on her neck. Another has some bald spots on her head. 2 others look like...
  3. Luckyt21

    Gapeworm or respiratory Illness?

    Hello again. I have a 8 month old hen Gabby who is not feeling well. She started sneezing & coughing (flemmy sounding) about a month & an half ago. Rattling when breathing. She was also gaping but not currently. She started losing a lot feathers on her belly (pretty bare under there) a...
  4. Luckyt21

    Anyone ever seen a strange egg like this?

    I found this shellless egg yesterday morning on my poop shelf. It did have some poop attached to it before I washed it off to take a picture. Idk which hen it came from. I have had lots of soft eggs in the past, but never one with that plug looking thing on it. Any explainations or known...
  5. Luckyt21

    Dosage guidance needed for Lincomycin-Spectinomycin Sol Powder

    Can anyone tell me how to mix this for my 7mo old rooster he’s about 3-4 lbs. my vet sold this to me (not an avian vet) but now it’s after hours so I can’t get ahold of him & I want to start this tonight.
  6. Luckyt21

    Silkie roo lethargic, panting with watery diarrhea with green chunks in it.

    I have a 7 month old silkie roo who has been sick since Monday so 3 days now. I have had him in the house since Monday evening. He is very quiet, with wings out, stands up once in awhile. Drinks ALOT & will eat little bits at a time. I also hand feed him bread pieces soaked in the water...
  7. Luckyt21

    Severe Bumblefoot need help

    Hi there can you help me out please. I have been treating my hen for Bumblefoot for almost 2 weeks now with worsening. Soaks daily with epsom, vetercin spray, neosporin wraps. Mo kernel came out with scab removal. I want to treat her with antibiotic. I have purchased Tylan 50 & Oxytetracycline...
  8. Luckyt21

    My 5 month old cockerel won’t stand up! Just lays with his feet under him.

    How does one treat for botulism? I have a 5 month old polish cockerel that was limping a week ago & now he cannot stand at all. Is just laying on his hocks / feet all day. No attack that I am aware of. He also had diarrhea so I treated him with a 3 day Corid drench, bathed him in epsom salt...
  9. Luckyt21

    Very lethargic 4 month old blue Andalusian

    Help Desperate For Help!!! Any ideas what could be wrong with her? She is panting & very lethargic since yesterday evening. I noticed today at noon that she was drooling when I picked her up & has started having diarrhea. I gave her rescue remedy & nutridrench & put her inside in my bathroom...
  10. Luckyt21

    New stressed chicken mom

    Thank you BYC, I wish I would have found BYC much sooner! I could have used some real help! I love being a new chicken mom. I act like a mother hen myself now & can’t stop watching them!! This week was really tough for me. I spent hours crying. I lost 3 chicks in 2 days!! 1 from my hatch...
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