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  1. C

    Are my ducklings still going to hatch?!

    I’ve got a frizzle chicken that because of her past experience with chickens she is an honorary duck and has decided to hatch out three duck eggs. She has been very good at sitting on them everyday and today is supposedly hatch day. I candled them a week ago to make sure they were still alive...
  2. C

    Strange bump on newly hatched chicks head.

    This barn yard mix chick just hatched and has a strange looking bump on its head. Almost looks like it’s full of fluid. Will it survive?
  3. C

    Duckling trying to jump out of brooder

    I hatched a duckling last night and let her dry over night in the incubator. I cuddled with her this morning to keep her warm before I could clean the brood box and introduce her to her two sisters. They’re maybe two weeks older than her. They seem fine with her not being too mean or scared of...
  4. C

    911!! Chicken pooped out egg still in intestines

    I had two chickens being very mean to one chicken so they were taken out and the main instigator dispatched for dinner. After we dispatched the one chicken I was going to give the other chicken a chance to go back into the coop with everyone to see if she’d be nice without her sister and I...
  5. C

    What breed is this??

    I got a chick from cal ranch that was labeled assorted rare breeds and I’m not one hundred percent sure what it is.
  6. C

    Baby chick can’t or won’t walk please help!!

    I just bought a polish chick today who isn’t standing or walking. She just sleeps and lays down. If one of the other girls steps on her she’ll slide over and they push her to food and water. She has little hard circles where it looks like she lays on her legs. What could be wrong and will she be ok?
  7. C

    2 week old chick with joint swelling please help!

    I got a chick about a week ago and noticed she was limping. There’s not a ton of stuff I could find on it other then if she can get to food and water she’ll be fine so I left it. She does kind of get stepped on but nothing bad she doesn’t really walk more of a hop around. I was looking at it...
  8. C

    Are my chicks old enough to go outside permanently?

    I have 2 polish and one assorted bantam chick that are 5 weeks old. I live in Utah and the temperature drops under 40 f at night still. They have all of their feathers but I’m worried it might get too cold at night still. I can’t put a heat lamp in the coop because I don’t have anywhere to clip...
  9. C

    What kind of breed are my baby chicks?

    I bought 3 rare breed assorted chickens and was wondering what breed might they be? Two of them are yellow with darker yellow skunk stripes and a little mask clean feet and 4 toes the other one is a dark reddish brown color with not very many other marking.
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