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  1. Emrosenagel

    Crop stuffed with grit

    Hello! My hen (Cochin bantam, 11 months) has had crop issues since at least the end of march. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with her; sometimes her crop is almost empty, sometimes it’s full. Sometimes it's all liquid, sometimes it’s doughy. But it’s never empty. It’s very odd since, out of...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Are my chicks too young to deworm?

    Hello! About a month and a half ago I had to deworm my older birds (they had a mild case of roundworm). My four chicks were way too young at the time, but now I’m worried they might have roundworm now after being outside. They are 7 1/2 weeks old Jersey giants. The only thing I noticed wrong...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Pinkish/pale comb over past couple weeks

    Hello! I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant...
  4. Emrosenagel

    Specialty feed for a chicken that has digestive problems

    Hello! I’m really going through with one of my hens. It’s been a month now and her crop never wants to empty all the way. It isn’t hard, isn’t exactly squishy. Feels normal-ish most of the time. She poops all the time, all normal; eats and drinks if she can; acts completely normal. Ive tried...
  5. Emrosenagel

    Top beak trimmed too much?

    Hello! Im not sure if I made a mistake or not, but I noticed one of my jersey giants (5 weeks old) had her stuck a little open and her top beak looked pretty long. I decided to give it a little trim, something I’ve done before, but when I did it now looks like her top beak is a tad shorter than...
  6. Emrosenagel

    Pullet with an empty crop before bed

    Hello! This is a first time occurrence with this particular chicken, so I’m not overtly concerned, but I am curious. My pullets (13 weeks, bantams Serama/cochins) occasionally go bed with empty crops. It varies on who it is, but it just seems odd. They act normal and eat/drink. We’re having...
  7. Emrosenagel

    Jersey Giant question

    Hello! I got four Jersey giant chicks four weeks ago, and I have a question for anyone familiar with the breed. I’ve noticed, compared to the other chicks I’ve raised, these girls look rough feather-wise. It’s like their bodies are growing too fast for their feathers? One in particular is a...
  8. Emrosenagel

    Broody hen lying down a lot

    Hello! I have a 10 month old Cochin bantam (my problem chicken) who went broody back in January and hatched some eggs in February, as I had a really hard time trying to get her un- broody. I just gave up and gave her some eggs. Anyway, she is apparently ready to go broody again and is...
  9. Emrosenagel

    Guys or gals?

    Hello! I have a few 10 1/2 week old chicks and I’d like to know what I’ve got. I have one serama, who I believe is a little lady. One bantam Cochin. My other girl Cochins got red very early on, so I’m hoping this is the case. And a mystery chicken ( any idea what it is?)
  10. Emrosenagel

    Hen eats everything but the feed

    Hello! I’ve been having trouble with this hen who doesn’t empty her crop entirely by morning. It’s been about a week, I think, since it was emptied completely. It isn’t impacted, and her poops are normal, considering. But she just has junk in her crop that won’t seem to get out. Whenever I...
  11. Emrosenagel

    Multiple crop problems

    Hello again. I’ve been posting about my issues recently here for a bit, first with my bantams crop, and then with my bigger hens strange behavior. Both of them don’t empty their crops overnight now, and I’m starting to think it must be something they’re eating. Before all this happened, my hens...
  12. Emrosenagel

    Can probiotic powder cause problems?

    Hello! I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes...
  13. Emrosenagel

    Possible liver disease? Please help

    Hello! I can never seem to catch a break with my hens, and this will be the last time I ever purchase chicks from tractor supply because of it. Anyway, I have a 9 month old Blue Andalusian who has not been acting her normal self today. Normally, she is a piggy and spends the entire day...
  14. Emrosenagel

    Does this X-ray look normal?

    hello! My 9 month old bantam has been having problems with her crop and possibly other things. We got an xray yesterday and they saw nothing strange. Today, I went to another vet who actually showed us the xray. She said my hen has a mass in her reproductive organs, possibly a tumor or...
  15. Emrosenagel

    Can a gizzard be too full with grit?

    Hello! I recently had a hen with some strange crop issues(made a post but got no help), so I took her to the vet for an x-ray. She has no tumors, no visible blockage (an egg happened to be in the way further down), but the vet said her gizzard was packed with grit. Is it possible for the...
  16. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Hello! I have a problem hen, it seems. She can never just stay normal for more than a couple weeks. Anyway, my 9 month old bantam Cochin (recent mother of three as of 7 weeks ago) has been behaving odd at night and during moments of rest during the day. I first noticed about 1 1/2 weeks ago...
  17. Emrosenagel

    Hen “holding in” egg until I bring her inside

    Hello! So, some info first — my hen is a 9 month old Cochin bantam. She went broody back in January and hatched eggs on February 14th, gave up on the chicks about 2 weeks ago and started laying again. Last week we had some seriously hot days, and Gil (that’s my hen) has always been a later in...
  18. Emrosenagel

    Is shell rock safe for chickens?

    Hello! Recently, we’ve been filling up some big holes in the backyard with shell rock, which is crushed limestone and shells. I’ve always been under the assumption limestone was toxic if the dust is inhaled. Is that true, or will my chickens be harmed if they are exposed to it?
  19. Emrosenagel

    4 week old Serama shivering

    Hello! I have three 4 week old chicks (1 bantma cochin, 1 mystery bantam, and a serama). I've noticed for a while now the little serama shivers like a chihuahua. I can't tell if she does it all the time, but she certainly does it when I pick her up. And it can't be the cold, because today it...
  20. Emrosenagel

    Mother hen attacking chicks

    Hello! I have a mother hen (Cochin bantam, first time mom) who hatched 3 chicks (they are 4 weeks old now). They were separated from the flock for the first week and then gradually introduced back with little field trips, except they slept separately. Yesterday was the first day I had mama...
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