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  • Users: Cazook
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  1. Cazook

    Transporting chickens (~10hr journey)

    Need to transport a flock of about 20 chickens and a few ducks, it's about a 5hr drive with same again on a boat. What is the best and cheapest way to ship them? I've looked at plastic 'poultry cages' which seem a good option tho still unsure on how much space they will need. Cloths on top to...
  2. Cazook

    quail injured toe - amputate or leave?

    I found one of my quails with a ball of dirt stuck to her toes. I took her inside and teased the ball off with warm water, but her toe is quite injured to the point I don't know if it has circulation anymore. It's as if she was biting it herself to get it off. I cleaned the foot and put a little...
  3. Cazook

    Ever see a roo trying to protect a hen from another hen?

    I just saw something strange tonight while doing my final check on the coop and closing things down. Most of my chickens sit on the same perch (there's two big ones, but somehow most love bunching together on the same one, like it's their favourite) My roo was sitting next to a gold and black...
  4. Cazook

    Preserving chicken skin with feathers attached?

    This may be a slightly out-there question, but what is the best way to preserve a whole chicken skin as a wall display, such as is done with a deer skin, fur etc? My idea so far would be to take the whole skin, remove as much of the fat and layer it with salt until it dries out, or to attach it...
  5. Cazook

    Is this feed suitable for a mixed flock?

    I've been trying to find a chicken feed that has enough protein for layers but not the calcium for layer feed. The closest around seems to be either 'grower feed' which is 14.5-15% protein (too low) or chick crumb which is 20% protein (too high). I've got cockerels, hens, pullets, chicks and...
  6. Cazook

    broody cage/jail?

    Is a 4x2x1ft wire floor quail cage suitable as a broody jail? I've got her in during the day and planning on putting her in the coop (her nest is somewhere else) until she returns to normal. It's the only cage I've got with a wire floor since I heard you need to have air flow under them. Will...
  7. Cazook

    chicken nesting at the top of a tall tree

    so I've been searching for a missing chicken, suspecting she's nesting somewhere. checked every nook and cranny of the place. finally caught her as she came out for food today and stalked her back to the nest, where she flew up a 8ft wall, onto another wall, then onto the high nook of a tree and...
  8. Cazook

    Day old chick spinning in circles?

    I have a chick that hatched a day after the others, the mother hen is leading them to food and all of the chicks eat it except this one chick that seems to spin in circles instead of going where it wants to go. It doesn't walk in a straight line or towards the waterer, food etc. Just goes in...
  9. Cazook

    how to stop suicidal quail?

    I have some quail in chicken run (secured and netted), when I'm going in to top up their feed, water, clean stuff etc I try to watch to make sure they're not close cause they end up taking flight. Well, today I missed one and it flew straight up and slammed into the wire. Blood everywhere. It...
  10. Cazook

    Spring Broody Chicks (due to hatch)

    First time I've had a broody hen try to hatch eggs, she's been pretty diligent on sitting on them... all 20 or 30 of them (I don't even know at this point, I think another hen has been adding to the pile because the last time I lifted her it was just ridiculous). Also have 7 more in the...
  11. Cazook

    female runner duck growing green head feathers?!

    i have a little duck that quacks like a female but now i noticed there's little green streaks on her head like a male duck would get. is she actually a he? or can female ducks have green head feathers? can male ducks quack? wth is going on?!
  12. Cazook

    Broody chicken wants to nest outside

    I have a pullet who just went broody a few days ago when I noticed she was taking a long time to lay in her favourite spot (currently in and around the fallen branches of a tree). Problem is, she can't stay out there due to predators. I pick her up and her eggs to put them in the coop, she...
  13. Cazook

    When to cull baby coturnix quail

    I have a few quail who hatched that didn't seem to be able to get to walking. They just roll around with their feet curled up, their neck sort of shakes. I also have one that has splayed legs but taping them didn't help much, they are just stuck right out behind her. They keep rolling out from...
  14. Cazook

    Run size for duck?

    Is a 2x5m run big enough for one drake? It's used to free ranging so it seems royally pissed and sits at the edge of it most of the day (occasionally going around for food and water and whatnot). I throw vegetable bits to amuse it. I think it's because I let the duck still range out and it wants...
  15. Cazook

    Duck mated chicken, chicken injured

    Hi. I have a mixed flock with a runner duck/drake pair and they've been fine with the chickens until this spring when the drake started to chase one particular hen. He was always slow and distracted so I never thought it would come to anything, however now I think the chicken was caught by it...
  16. Cazook

    Duck pipping day 25?

    I have a duck pipping day 25 and the incubator humidity dropped overnight, it 'pipped' but hasn't broken through the internal membrane (which seems tough, because too dry maybe?) can it still breathe through an unbroken membrane or should I make a hole? And why is it so early? I thought my...
  17. Cazook

    Can you hatch eggs from a hen that has been given medication that has an egg/meat withdrawal period?

    Eg, lasalocid sodium. Could this effect the eggs development?
  18. Cazook

    Hen very sickly this morning

    When I let the hens out this morning one (I call her wee hen 'cause she is the smallest, yet lays the biggest eggs. go figure) didn't come out and was hunched in the nesting box. She's had wheezing problems since we got her from a farm last summer and occasionally nI have to keep an eye on her...
  19. Cazook

    Lump on chicken's crop?

    Was checking over the hens today and found on one of them a 1cm 'lump' on the front of their crop. Doesn't seem to be part of their crop but the skin on top of it. It's soft-ish but I don't think it's a lipoma since it can't really be moved around under the skin. Any idea what this is?
  20. Cazook

    Runner duck building/tending a nest?

    I have a duck who lately has been making a nest and laying her eggs in there. The first nest she made I was removing the eggs daily, now she has moved to another nest. Before this she would just drop an egg wherever she was, without a care for it. Could the nest building behaviour mean that she...
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