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  1. LucyCorbett

    Avian Influenza outbreak - Housing??

    Hi, due to an avian influenza outbreak in England, my 3 free-range hens are going to have to be moved into some sort of sheltered area. They have always been free-range hens as I got them from a farm which free-ranged them and I have always let them have my small garden so I don't think they are...
  2. LucyCorbett

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hi, my hens feet are both quite swollen, I was thinking scaly leg mites but I’m not completely sure with all of the swelling. She’s started to limp occasionally as well as perching on one foot and it seems like it is affecting her. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas? Also what’s the best...
  3. LucyCorbett

    Hen laying shell-less eggs

    Hey, my hen has been laying very irregularly recently, I have two backgarden hens which I have had for a year but I’ve known them for 4 years altogether so they are both fairly old. They both lay every day in the spring, summer and autumn and lay irregularly in the winter, but recently one of...
  4. LucyCorbett

    Egg-bound or just old age??

    Hey, so my hen hasn’t laid for the past few days but still goes up to the coop as though she’s trying to lay. Today there was a shell-less egg that was only about an inch tall. I’ve heard that this is because she may be egg-bound, she’s acting fairly normal other then that so I’m not sure...
  5. LucyCorbett

    My hens HATE wheat?

    Hey, so basically I’ve had my two hens for just over a year now, I’ve tried multiple mixed corns and in all of them they have hated wheat. I have no clue why but my grass is just covered in wheat as they knock it all out of the bowls and eat everything else! Is there any alternative to wheat as...
  6. LucyCorbett

    Hen attacked!

    Hi, So yesterday one of my hens was attacked by a neighbours border collie, luckily someone in my family noticed before it did too much damage. It managed to get in somewhere, but I have no clue where, so I’m keeping both of my hens inside my conservatory at the moment. She has one little wound...
  7. LucyCorbett

    Hen with diarrhoea

    I have three back garden hens that I’ve had since November so I’m fairly new to owning them. One of my hens is 1 years old and recently I’ve noticed heavy breathing from her, she’s quite a nervous hen and is at the bottom of the pecking order so I was wondering that it could be the other 2...
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