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  1. LunaMarieWolf

    Can someone check over my genetics please?

    Okay, this is going to be a long one. I produced a gradient chicken pattern several years ago and have since lost all of the chickens associated with the line. I am wanting to replicate it. The start was an EE. Rosaline. This was in crisp 2015. I do not know what breeds this EE was made out...
  2. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with building a new coop!

    I am trying to build a new coop for my chooks. I have 1 year to do it, as the hubby agreed that I can get more next year! The downside is, I have a small coop, since I had an accident where a pack of dogs ripped off my coop door and ate all my chickens. Hubby agreed that if I can build a...
  3. LunaMarieWolf

    Help ID this rooster please!

    Was given this rooster from a friend, given age is about 2 -3 years old, and she ordered from a hatchery (she can't remember which one). Also she doesn't remember what all she bought with that hatchery order so I have no idea how to guide you. Other than he looks like a brown red ameraucana but...
  4. LunaMarieWolf

    Bad Turkey Wound HELP!!

    Our 1 year old turkey Theodore was brutally attacked last night with our entire flock. We lost 8 chickens. Theo is our only turkey. We are thinking coyotes attacked. They attacked right after we left for town. They attacked in the 30 mins we were gone. Theo looks like he got trapped between...
  5. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with genders please!

    These babies are comming to their 7 month mark here next month. And my family want to know who to keep and who to sell before I go off to college. I can already tell you the white one is a rooster. And the orange and two black and red ones are hens. I need help on the Golden sebright...
  6. LunaMarieWolf

    Quail missing beak! Help! (GORE WARNING)

    Hello! I just got word from my family (I am at a dinner date with my boyfriend in the next state over) that one of the family quail is missing her beak! I am giving you the information they gave me. The cage they are in is 1/4" wire mesh. They can't find the rest of her beak (she is missing a...
  7. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with identifying quail? -New to Quail Owning-

    Hello! My family was recently gifted with some quail. I need some help maybe identifying what breeds/sexes this guys are. Already got 2 eggs from them, so I know we have atleast 2 females! They are dust bathing as I take these photos. Also my family is new to quail, so any tips would be...
  8. LunaMarieWolf

    Unexpected Father's Day Gift (Help!)

    Okay, so. There is a lot of problems here and I have no clue where to post, so here it is. A family friend showed up at 8am this morning and gifted my dad with a 'fun' father's day gift. We now have 2 goats, 4 adult chickens (3 hens and a roo), and 45+ quail chicks, chicks, and a turkey poult...
  9. LunaMarieWolf

    Sebright hen fluffed up and talkative?

    Hi everyone! My sebright hen has veen acting up today. She is fluffed up and has been very talkative. Shes been calling and clucking and every now and then shakes her feathers and acts normal. Then a few mintues later fluffs up again. She hasn't been panting or coughing. No unsual signs...
  10. LunaMarieWolf

    Which incubator gets you the best bang for your buck?

    Hello! My boyfriend wants to buy me an incubator for my birthday and he wants to know which one is gonna give me the "best bang for his buck". I was thinking Little Giants? Brinsea is too pricey and Intelligent 24 incubator failed 2 clutches in. Little Giant is what my Aunt uses, but she...
  11. LunaMarieWolf

    What is your worst hatching fail of all time?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering what all have you guys failed on when hatching chicks? My worst hatching fail was when I did my first hatch of this season and I did not attach the turning trays correctly. I lost a whole batch of 24 eggs.
  12. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with Sex-link feather pulling?

    Hey everyone, I think my older sex-link is pulling feathers from herself? I am just really unsure what is going on. I don't know her age, but she is an older girl and she is a rescue battery hen. She seems to be fine, but I know something has got to be bothering her for her feathers to look...
  13. LunaMarieWolf

    Is this a real breed?

    Is this chicken a real breed? Asking for my mom. I've never even seen this breed, so does it even exist?
  14. LunaMarieWolf

    What do you guys have in your chicken first aid kit?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering what you guys have in your chicken emergency kits? Is there anything I am missing or need to get rid of in mine? I have: Vet wrap Cloth chicken saddles Hand grinder (for grinding up garlic or pills if needed) Syringes Nail file and clippers Pediatric...
  15. LunaMarieWolf

    Mystery chick from Atwood's - Help

    I got this baby chick in an assorted heavy breeds bin at Atwoods. If someone could please help me identify this little chickie that would be awesome! Also ignore the messy backdrop, horses knocked over a bucket and spilled all the trash we just picked up out of it.
  16. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with cage setup for 3 legged Dwarf Hamster?

    I moved back home from college (due to school shutdowns) to find that my little dwarf hamster Skittles now only has 3 legs! She had gotten herself caught up in a corner of the cage bars (she likes to crawl up the sides of the wire cages) and had gotten stuck. To make a long story short, we...
  17. LunaMarieWolf

    Anyone have photos of porcelain d'uccle crosses?

    Hi everyone. I have a small Porcelain D'uccle roo who runs around with a silver sebright, cream easter egger, and splash silkie hen. I am hatching out eggs from the silver sebright and silkie. Does anyone have any photos of what the babies may look like? Or have a general idea of what the...
  18. LunaMarieWolf

    Sebright crosses?

    I was wondering what the babies of my new silver sebright hen would look like if crossed with my porcelain d'uccle roo? Any pics would help!
  19. LunaMarieWolf

    Laying rate of bantam hens?

    I recently got some bantam hens from my uncle who had to sell his flock. I got these hens: silver sebright, splash silkie, and an easter egger. I was wanting to know the possible laying rates of these girls, but in roughly eggs per day, not eggs per year.
  20. LunaMarieWolf

    Question about keeping hens in cages (to determine egg color)

    What are your thought on keeping hens in a cage all to themselves temporarily, to see what color egg they lay? I know keeping chickens in cages for an extended period of time is a no no, but what if you put them in a cage for a small amount of time (at most a week)? Of course, they have acess...
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