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  1. VioletBlueIvy

    Still Air vs Circulated Air Hovabator 1588

    Hello all! I want to buy a new Hovabator, the 1588 with that great big window and electronic thermostat and fan... BUT I am only familiar with simple still air hatching. I run the incubator with all the plugs out and the temp set at 102, monitoring the temp and humidity, hand turn twice a day...
  2. VioletBlueIvy

    What would cause the egg white, Albumen, to be stained blood red?

    Does anyone know what could cause this? I believe it was laid by a 2-3 year old silkie with no health issues that I can ascertain.
  3. VioletBlueIvy

    Duck box ideas!What do you use? Pics Please :)

    :frow Hello duck people! I have had ducks for a few years now, and am expanding my duck population so I want to build an awesome duck coop this spring, and I need ideas for nests. My Khaki's will lay in one of my chickens nest boxes, but the Pekins lay on the ground or in the coop wherever they...
  4. VioletBlueIvy

    I just watched 5 of my day old chicks suddenly act strange and then die in ten minutes!!!Please Help

    Please help, about a half hour ago my normal healthy vigerous chicks that hatched yesterday were going about thier buisness as usual, my daughter was holding her favorite. When she put her back in the brooder we were all standing around watching them. Her favorite started acting odd, pecking her...
  5. VioletBlueIvy

    My inlaws puppy killed a chick today, I need to vent!

    My inlaws live next door. They got a Mastiff/Great Pyranese puppy this summer, he is 5mo old. He comes to our house almost daily, and often more than once. He has been chasing my chickens, and it is to the point now that he only coming over to chase them. The last couple weeks they started...
  6. VioletBlueIvy

    Tapatalk no longer working

    Hi, I had been using tapatalk with great success, and suddenly it will not let me post pictures. It gives me the message 'missing required paramiters' I did some research on the tapatalk forum and noticex some people have contacted thier forum administrator and an update was done to correct the...
  7. VioletBlueIvy

    Hawk Attack on month old chick, right breast muscle gone, advice needed *graphic pic*

    I had a hawk attack yesterday, and at bedtime I found out it was one of my month old chicks. This morning the chick was outside the coop, and when it couldnt get in on it's own I put my hands under it to give it a boost and felt the wound. I gave it a chance to eat and drink and went in to...
  8. VioletBlueIvy

    Two dead chicks, please help!

    Hi Everyone, please help me, I found one of my Faverolle chicks dead this morning, the only thing I could find wrong was a tiny amount of red blood around her vent. No damage to the vent though, and the vent area was otherwise clean and dry. Now, a few minutes ago I found another one that was in...
  9. VioletBlueIvy

    Silkie Chick rails then Curled up foot?Help!

    Today one of our two week old silkies suddenly started making a horrible nise when it breathed, like rails or Stridor. When I looked in the brooder it was lying down. I picked it up and one foot is curled up loosly, and it still walks but with the foot curled up & limping. This chick hatched...
  10. VioletBlueIvy

    Is this chick a Frizzle?

    I have never had a frizzle, nor have I seen one in person. What do you experts think? The chick is a three week old Light Brahma from TSC, supplied by Mt. Healthy. This one looks very different from it's brooder mates who's new feathers lay smooth.
  11. VioletBlueIvy

    TSC Chick 'rescue' didn't end well, anyone know why?

    So I went in to TSC to get feed today, and walk by the chick corral where they are just opening the shipping boxes. They didn't pick them up when they arrived and they were not in good shape at all. The first ones out were barely moving and could hardly stand. It was hard to watch, yet I stayed...
  12. VioletBlueIvy

    It hatched against all odds!Pics added

    My little silkie hen, Luna was missing at roosting time one night last month, we found her under the coop, behind the skids, tucked in the corner against one of the center beams. She was sitting tight and the was no way we could get to her. She stayed put through all the rainy weather and wind...
  13. VioletBlueIvy

    National Geographic Article 'Homes For Hens'

    National Geographic Article 'Homes For Hens' I loved these photo's of the rescued hens and their owners. It also mentions that they are outlawing the use of cages in the UK! Simply wonderful. The first pic of the hen in her sweater is great...
  14. VioletBlueIvy

    Pig Scramble! & Pigs LOVE dogs! New pics, he's getting big!

    Our local fire department sponsors a pig scramble. Two years ago we went, and DD backed out at the last minute, and DS caught one, but was so surprised he let go LOL! DD was so upset with herself for not doing it. She has vehemently talked about how she is going to do it next time. DS was mad...
  15. VioletBlueIvy

    Did you know 1/3 of chicken breeds are in danger of becoming extinct?

    I was reading an article about the worlds dwindling food variety, which is eye opening to say the least. Highly recommended reading indeed! But, more pertinent to BYC, there was a section about chickens, I thought some of you might find it interesting. Enjoy...
  16. VioletBlueIvy

    Fox Attack with a HAPPY ending!

    A little over two weeks ago I was putting my daughter to bed and happened to look out her window, and a FOX was in the pen between the henhouse and the shed! I RAN out there as fast as I could, barefoot and leaped over the fence, but the fox was gone. My daughter leaned out the window and said...
  17. VioletBlueIvy

    Anybody else have eggs set 6/14 due 7/5?

    I have set 6 pretty blue eggs from my new EE hen, she favors my FWM roo, so they should be EE's or OE's. Plus 2 from one of my new Anconas, the dad could be the FWM or EE. They will be a total surprise! Want to join me?
  18. VioletBlueIvy

    Hens eye membrane swollen **pics**

    Hi Guys, this is my one year old Ancona hen that I have had about a month, her eye has looked like this since I got her. She has no sneezing, discharge ect. Eating an drinking normal. No mites or lice either. I have noticed her eggs are smaller than the other Ancona I got with her, and they...
  19. VioletBlueIvy

    Emergency Incubation/Hatching methods? HELP!

    My mom has a silkie hen that went broody, long story short it is day 23 and when she checked on her today found that the hen is eating the hatching chicks. So, she pulled out the remaining 9 eggs and put them under a heat lamp with a damp towel, she can hear them peeping. Someone here must...
  20. VioletBlueIvy

    TSC Chicks 'barred rocks pullets' one with five toes?!UPDATED PICS!

    Hi Everyone, I just bought four chicks so I could get ducklings for the kids, i'll do anything for my kids LOL Anyway they were in the barred rock bin, but these dont look like my barred rock/amerecauna cross chicks except for the white head spots. Plus one has yellow legs one has greenish, two...
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