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  • Users: Birdcrazy
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  1. Birdcrazy

    Sexing six-week-olds

    Hi guys, My 5 babies have just turned 6 weeks. Is it too early to sex them? I’ve had pretty terrible luck with incubation thus far, usually 10-20% hens. So I am desperately hoping to at least get one hen! I think it might be just be too hot here to get a decent hatch ratio. Has anyone found...
  2. Birdcrazy

    Sexing my 6 week olds

    Hi guys, Would anybody be able to have a go at sexing my chicks? They are 6 weeks old - however the eggs came from a friend’s mixed flock so most are unknown crossbreeds. They were quite difficult to take any good photos of, but I can get more if needed. :p I’m thinking hen for the little...
  3. Birdcrazy

    Stunted Chick

    Hi everyone, Has anyone had a chick with stunted growth? It turned out mother hen does not like black chicks :idunno she killed one and injured two others before I realised. I had pulled the remaining two chicks from the rest of the hatch (she is happy with her brown and yellow chicks). While...
  4. Birdcrazy

    Egbert the pigeon-chicken

    Hi everyone, This is the story of Egbert. The beginning of this year I rescued a baby (ish) pigeon from the ocean. The plan was to let him dry off, eat a bit and fly back home. It turned out the pigeon was quite young, still had that awkward looking face, yellow fluff and possibly only just...
  5. Birdcrazy

    Help me sex my 4 month olds :)

    Hey guys, My little flock of incubated chickens are now around 4 months old. I had just been given a bunch of random eggs from a friend, so I believe I have 3 Sussex, 2 Plymouth Rock, a silkie x bantam of some sort and a grey, if anyone can help me figure out what that is. My grandparents...
  6. Birdcrazy

    New babies, unknown breed and one little sick one?

    Hi everyone! So, my incubated eggs just hatched! Super exciting, because I haven't had chickens in a few years now! :wee Also, it's my first time incubating, usually just have a reliable broody! 8 babies - no idea what breeds. One is a bantam, smaller, fuzzy legs, extra toes. The last two...
  7. Birdcrazy

    Can anyone identify this incubator brand?

    Hi guys, Can anyone tell me what it is? I'm struggling to work out these buttons and it doesn't have a brand on it. Would love to find an instruction manual. I tried turning it on to warm it up, but it's quite temperamental and soon beeps angrily until I just switch it off. Cheers!
  8. Birdcrazy

    Incubator & Shipping egg Q's

    Hi everyone, Sorry if I'm asking repeated questions, I haven't visited the site in a long time and everything has changed! I have the opportunity to incubate eggs! Yay! :D So, friends of mine want to buy an incubator for me to use, and along with their fertilised eggs to hatch! They have a...
  9. Birdcrazy

    Chick names

    So far 18 out of 36 chicks have hatched out of a clutch that friends of mine have incubated. As they have so many, might be taking a couple to raise I need name ideas...something simple and short, but not too original/boring? Cute or funny names...names that my chickens can respond too (all...
  10. Birdcrazy

    New Arrivals

    Soooo, since its spring here I've had mini appleyards hatch lastnight (around about). It's the first I've had of this breed! All five eggs hatched (I didn't want anymore than that) by my hen, Pepper, which was her first time hatching out babies :) They are sooo cuuuuteee so I thought I'd share...
  11. Birdcrazy

    Chicken hatching duck eggs

    Hey guys, my chicken has become broody and so I'm considering giving her the duck eggs I want hatched, as my muscovy is not broody yet and I'm worried may be a little big for these eggs. I think I'm supposed to lightly mist the eggs so they receive a bit of moisture? But I am not sure as I've...
  12. Birdcrazy

    Perfect babysitter

    What more to say? She takes her job very seriously
  13. Birdcrazy

    My lil hen

    I usually own only ducks and so not that accustomed to many chook breeds...I kept this one whilst hatching eggs via my duck for a lady who'd lost her chooks to foxes With all my chook knowledge I can basically confirm that yes, this is a chook...err any ideas on the actual breed/mixed breed?
  14. Birdcrazy

    New babies :)

    New noisy runner ducks caught my attention one morning a few days ago! Now they're running around everywhere
  15. Birdcrazy

    My scovy ducklings!! (pic heavy)

    Sorry, I've taken heaaaaps of photos!! I had trouble narrowing it down to only this lot, but I've loved playing with these ducklings over the last few weeks. There is a bit of variation in age. Used the under water camera! (well, tried to) enjoy! In the bath! Well, the underneath side of...
  16. Birdcrazy

    Appleyards and/or Anconas?

    I'm able to get both, or one or the other.. What kinds of ducks are they? In relative to egg production (not overly fussy), noise, temperement, are they good broodies? Good farm ducks? Any information or photos would be great - I dont know anything about them but there are breeders very close to...
  17. Birdcrazy

    Duckling born (I think) with leg problems, not sure what to do :(

    My scovie has hatched out fourteen little ducklings, and as they were drinking and playing in the water for the first time I noticed one that was literally 'army crawling' along the ground to catch up to the others, and when he was knocked over onto his back, couldn't get back up. I picked him...
  18. Birdcrazy

    My duck on the roof

    Hey everyone, sorry haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to share some pics of my girl If you can't tell she is pretty broody haha - but is always extremely proud of herself when she gets on the roof, wagging her tail like mad. Once she's even found my window and tapped on it til I woke up...
  19. Birdcrazy

    What watt for a heating light?

    Hi everyone, I'm planning to make a sturdy lasting brooder for new chicks or ducklings- one thats neat and nice. I usually use a broody hen/duck etc Which watt light bulb should I buy for the heating? Its currently summer here and they'll be brooded inside I was also wondering if there are any...
  20. Birdcrazy

    New baby belgium bantam :)

    Hi everyone, I'm a bit newish to chooks, mostly been into ducks but have had four hen layers for a while now. Today I've picked out a Belgium Bantam baby I'll hand raise for a pet (will be lavender and yet to be named) -- a breed I've wanted for a very long time now haha. I'd love to breed them...
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