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  • Users: azygous
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  1. azygous


    The only way to know for sure what is going on with these chicks is to take a very sick chick or a dead one to a state animal testing lab for a necropsy. Call you state agricultural office for the location of one nearest you. If this is a virus, Marek's is a possibility, an antibiotic will do...
  2. azygous

    Helping a hen with reproductive issues with people calcium, but how much to give?

    Just a while ago here on this forum we were discussing how much calcium to give a hen, and some of us were astonished to discover that we were reading the label on the bottle of calcium wrong. Up until now, I, and also quite a few other people, have assumed that when the label on the front of...
  3. azygous

    Human calcium tablets for a sick hen - how much is actually in each tablet and how much to give?

    Just a while ago here on this forum we were discussing how much calcium to give a hen, and some of us were astonished to discover that we were reading the label on the bottle of calcium wrong. Up until now, I, and also quite a few other people, have assumed that when the label on the front of...
  4. azygous

    Daddy and son roos suddenly switch ranks after six years of a cordial relationship

    This is a discussion, not necessarily an advice request. I'd like to share this with you all as an observation following a drastic change in the relationship between my two roosters, Strawberry, a seven year-old Cream Legbar and six year-old Tootsie, a Legbar/EE cross. It happened two days ago...
  5. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    I, being a creature of habit, feed my chickens twice a day at around the same time each day. To further clarify things, I do not participate in the daylight time change, feeling it tyrannical and one of the more stupid and senseless things this culture foists upon us. I had gone to town for...
  6. azygous

    Off the grid brooding

  7. azygous

    What if there was a magic potion to get our chickens to love us?

    It's been on my mind for some time this question of what bonds our chickens to us, and why some are such love junkies and others wouldn't miss us at all as long as food continues to appear. Love, affection, and bonding seem to miraculously happen between humans and between us and our animals...
  8. azygous

    FYI: over the counter antibiotics prohibited w/o prescription after 06/23

    This should answer many of our questions as to what meds we won't be able to get after 06/23 without a vet's prescription: About the only ones we use for backyard chickens are...
  9. azygous

    Heat exhaustion in late September almost killed April

    We had a couple days of cool weather, and today went back to being 80F again. This may be significant to what happened. I was working in the run when April, my two year-old Blue Australorp came inside the run from free ranging. She stood there still, then she appeared to be lowering herself to...
  10. azygous

    Possible lymphoid leucosis neoplastic tumor + Update: Not injury. Confirmed to be a tumor

    My five year-old Legbar/EE cross rooster Tootsie has what appears to be a tumor on his left shank. I first noticed a hard knot about a month ago, just a strange bulge with no exterior lesions. Lately, he's been behaving, while not exactly lethargically, definitely off from his usual high octane...
  11. azygous

    This time the bear got inside the coop.

    Deep in the heart of Colorado black bear country, after fifteen years of keeping chickens, last night a bear finally got into my main coop. Pandemonium and elevated blood pressure ensued. The chickens were also traumatized, but despite not being able to find two hens in the aftermath, they did...
  12. azygous

    Because you need a little chicken joy

  13. azygous

    Sometimes it takes a lot of calcium citrate to help an old hen build an egg shell

    I have a seven-year old Easter Egger named Wheezie. She's always been one of my favorites because she's very smart and lovable and knows her name and she demands cuddles no matter what else is happening. When she began laying in February after fall break, her eggs all were coming out without a...
  14. azygous

    I am planning to do something controversial, eating eggs immediately after worming with Ivermectin.

    After discovering my flock has depluming mites, I ordered Ivermectin 1% and Saturday, I treated every chicken in my flock. Since then, I've agonized over egg withdrawal protocols and searched high and low for information on why we observed this little ritual after we worm our chickens. Nothing...
  15. azygous

    Anomalies in molting patterns - any strange molting patterns in your flock?

    Is molting a behavior? It's probably a topic that might fit just about anywhere, so I'll stick it here. Anyway, three chickens in my flock seem to be breaking all the rules of molting, and it sure does make molting season, shall we say, interesting. The most perplexing is an eight-month old...
  16. azygous

    What if chickens could reproduce without mating?

    Maybe they could. It seems California condors have just proved it can be done. It's called parthenogenesis. And the lady birds had no help from meddling scientists and their petri...
  17. azygous

    Feather picking and a possible way to control it

    I've had feather picking in my flock for as long as I can remember. It's annoying and frustrating. I've tried any number of things to try to control it. I had a thread on the subject a number of years ago where I thought I had found something to cure it...
  18. azygous

    Confounded by Sicilian buttercup chicks shunning their heat cave

    The night following bringing home two four-day old Buttercups, the power failed during the night and in the morning, these two babies seemed unfazed by their cold night which was in the mid 50s. Ever since, the chicks being nearly two-weeks old now, they have refused the heating pad cave...
  19. azygous

    A lymphoid leucosis with untreatable crop disorder necropsy (gross photos)

    Background: Eight-year old Welsummer hen went sick six weeks ago. First treated with amoxicillin, then a yeast infection set in a few weeks later. Started treating with miconazole to no effect. Later went to Medistatin to no effect. Then did a round of Epsom salts flushes to no effect. Crop...
  20. azygous

    This is why you should have a covered run

    This morning I had an awful scare. I went out to clean my coops and all of my hens had stuffed themselves under the rear coop in the covered run. However, my two roosters, who normally free-range all day, had vanished. All was deathly silent. Expecting to find two mangled bodies, I went in...
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