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  1. chickengirl1193

    16 week EExDelaware gender?

    Im going to try to get better pictures. He is an EE Delaware cross and I thought he was a rooster but at 16 weeks there is still no saddle feathers.
  2. chickengirl1193

    gender? 7 week EExRIR

    My7 week old black EE roo over RIR hen. Not sure of gender And the orange one in this picture came from the same parents and is a pullet
  3. chickengirl1193


    is this bumblefoot or just caked on poop? Its my rooster and he seems to be walking and acting fine
  4. chickengirl1193

    broody with worms

    My broody came out this morning to eat and she had a worm in her poo. Ill take a picture when I can get a good one but it's about 3 inches long and looks like thin spaghetti. I just got a fecal done in may and they were clean, I only saw it in the broodys poo. Idk what to do because I am not a...
  5. chickengirl1193

    possible vent prolapse

    I have a 6 month old hen that hasnt laid an egg yet (to my knowledge) and today she is acting strange. She is holding her tail low and has a slight arch to her back. I picked her up and tried to feel for an egg but I couldn't and her vent was normal except in the bottom there was a part...
  6. chickengirl1193

    sex links traits?

    I just put some eggs in my incubator. They are from a black EE roo over a RIR a BR and two Delawares. Is there any potential for sex linked characteristics? Here is a picture of my roo Hes only 5 months old but my eggs have been fertile!
  7. chickengirl1193

    2 eggs this morning, one soft shelled

    I have a Delaware that consistently lays every day. Yesterday she didnt lay an egg then this morning I found 2 eggs under the roost. One has a very soft shell and the other is normal except it has a chalky substance on the shell. Should I be concerned or is this just a common problem? The hen is...
  8. chickengirl1193

    impacted crop?

    My four month old roo is acting strange. He keeps looking like hes about to crow but then almost yawns instead. Hes eating and drinking. His crop feels full and harder than the other chickens crops. I have grit out free choice and feed a fermented grower feed
  9. chickengirl1193

    integrating flock, is this a good idea?

    I have 4 LF pullets in a coop and 3 EEs (2 pullets one roo) from my NYD hatch that are in my shed right now. We built a bigger coop and in the next 2 weeks we are going to put it outside and build a new run on a different side of the property. When the new coop is all set up, after dark, I will...
  10. chickengirl1193

    5 EE Roos from NYD hatch, beautiful coloring! (New Jersey)

    I have five EE roos that need to be re-homed! They hatched on NYD and are just starting to crow, I am only allowed one roo so I have 5 that need to be re homed. I would give descriptions of coloring but I don't know enough about it. If interested PM me for pictures. I am located in Sussex county...
  11. chickengirl1193

    homemade mayo

    So I just made my first ever batch of mayo and then used it to make egg salad. My grandma and some others are coming over today for.her birthday and we are having the egg salad for lunch. Should I be worried that we will get sick from my homemade mayo? My eggs are very clean
  12. chickengirl1193

    ducks and chickens

    So I have had my chickens since October, started with POL pellets then hatched out my own.chicks from shipped eggs! My entire flock is thriving and ive read many many books on chickens so I feel pretty confident about my management. I feed FF and all my birds are doing great :) So I was...
  13. chickengirl1193

    bleeding cut on hens foot(not emergency)

    one of my hens scraped her middle toe and its bleeding, once they went to bed I went out and washed it off and put some peroxide on her toe but she kept trying to get away from me. I noticed it was still bleeding so I used a styptic stick on it to try to stop the bleeding but at that point she...
  14. chickengirl1193

    raising pheasants for release to a hunt club

    Hey Guys! So my boyfriends dad belongs to a hunt club and hes also looking for ways to become farm assessed on his property, so the hunt club suggested that he raise pheasants and then sell them to the hunt club for up to $10 a bird. So he came to me because he knows i have experience raising...
  15. chickengirl1193

    old rabbit

    Hey guys! I have an old rabbit, we got him at tractor supply as a baby about 6 years ago (maybe more) and hes lived a happy life in my house, he even roamed free around my brothers room until he started peeing on the bed lol. But anyway in the spring when I get rid of some roosters and move all...
  16. chickengirl1193

    how old do chicks have to be to digest scratch?

    So we are about to get hit with two huge snow storms so I'm trying to think of ways to keep my chickens warm and occupied while they are cooped up. One think I do with my adult chickens is to throw scratch under some hay to keep them occupied since they dont want to go out in the snow. My...
  17. chickengirl1193

    "Farm Animals" in Vernon Township NJ

    Hey guys! So i just got my chickens in October, my neighbor that lives behind us has a flock of 18 plus chickens including loud roosters, and there are other rooster containing flocks in the area that have crowing competitions with my neighbors rooster. So I assumed that my four hens would be...
  18. chickengirl1193

    chickens with tapeworm

    On friday I saw what I think to be tapeworm segments in my chickens poo. I brought the sample to the vet immediately and am still waiting on their results... im not sure where else I can get the correct de wormer... but in the mean time im concerned about the safety of my eggs. I keep my nesting...
  19. chickengirl1193

    bright blue green poop

    This morning when I went out to my chickens there were bright blue green poos in the coop, they were normal looking just the wrong color. Other than that the chickens are acting completely normal. I gave them a red cabbage last night, could that have caused it? If anyone has any info that would...
  20. chickengirl1193

    chick panting

    I have 8 1 week old chicks that I just moved to a 10 sq foot brooder with wire mesh sides and a heat lamp over one side. they have one warm spot and lots of cold spots. I noticed that one or 2 of the chicks are laying right under the light and panting... they are eating drinking and moving...
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