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  1. RobG7aChattTN

    Are some breeds more susceptible to coccidiosis?

    I've had a problem with my Jubilee Orpington chicks. They start out fully robust but over time seem to be weaker than my other breeds and if there is a dead chick in the brooder it seems like more often than not it is a Jubilee. Now I have noticed fewer losses when I hold them back a week and...
  2. RobG7aChattTN

    Shocking result of using Frontline Plus on my rooster!

    O.K. Believe it or not...this eye looks far BETTER than it did before I used Frontline on this rooster! This poor guy has had a bad eye since before he learned to crow. I introduced him to the pen with mature Buff Orpington hens before he was ready because he was getting beat up by...
  3. RobG7aChattTN

    HELP! Infectious Coryza...too late to vaccinate? How do I properly diagnose?

    We had a week of dumping rain and suddenly I have some sick birds and a few have died. I gave the first few a shot of penicillin and then as the birds began to have symptoms that seemed like coryza I started adding Sulmet to their water. Some birds seem to be getting much better and are eating...
  4. RobG7aChattTN

    Do small eggs equal small adult chickens?

    I know that smaller eggs will hatch small chicks and that larger eggs will hatch larger chicks and that even though pullet eggs are smaller that the genetic size of the offspring does not vary with egg size...but when I hatch small pullet eggs will the small chicks lead to stunted, smaller adult...
  5. RobG7aChattTN

    Can a rooster sex chicks?

    At some point chicks seem to know who is a boy and who is a least the cockerels seem to like to play fight with each other. I was wondering if either an adult rooster or a slightly older cockerel could tell a pullet from a cockerel easier and at a younger age. Now, I really don't...
  6. RobG7aChattTN

    When hens don't like a new rooster...

    I just wanted to get a conversation started about replacing a rooster. I went looking for information a few weeks ago and didn't really find it. Just now I found a thread about how hens will bully a young rooster if he is not yet mature and that is exactly what happened. The poor boy (a young...
  7. RobG7aChattTN

    Chickens won't eat cooked fire ants scrambled with eggs.

    I know what you are thinking: "What?!?!" Or at least that was my wife's reaction when she saw me trying to scramble a ton of fire ants with some eggs. I figured it was killing two birds with one stone (pun intended) by not only getting rid of some fire ants but also giving my chickens some...
  8. RobG7aChattTN

    Created a sex-link but don't know which is a boy and which is a girl! Cream Legbar rooster X Black

    I try to keep only pure breeds but my daughter got some Black Star hens for 4-H. Great birds, but no point in breeding them...until I just got up to my eyeballs in eggs. So, I had them in with my Cream Legbars because I knew that I could tell the eggs apart. Since I had so many eggs I decided...
  9. RobG7aChattTN

    Caught this strange conversation amongst my chickens today.

    I was filming my roosters because one has the strangest crow (he's young so it might change) and all of a sudden my chickens all started having the strangest behavior. They were all croaking and honking back and forth and it was all sounds that I had never heard before. I haven't had chickens...
  10. RobG7aChattTN

    Violet Guinea fowl...the ideal lighting for perfect color.

    It's been said that the Royal Purple guineas look best in full sun and that the Violet guineas look best in shade. I could occasionally see some real nice color on my violet guineas but it was rare and hard to capture on film. I had even seen a photo on eBay and thought it must have been...
  11. RobG7aChattTN

    Will guineas fall for "dummy" eggs?

    I had one of my guineas lay an egg the other day. A friend who was checking on them while I was out of town put it in my fridge. I would have left it in place. Anyhow, I certainly doubt it was fertile...and I don't want them to set anyway (I have an incubator). I WOULD like to get them to...
  12. RobG7aChattTN

    Using crows to protect flock from hawks?

    I have seen crows chase hawks off before. It seems like any time they see a hawk a flock (or "murder") of crows will gang up and chase the hawks away. There might be concern about crows preying on chicks...but not adults, right? It got me wondering if you could attract crows and keep them...
  13. RobG7aChattTN

    Guineas "stolen" by neighbor's flock...

    Well, after raising guineas since spring and after having horrible losses due to a pair of Cooper's Hawks...I finally was left with 5 guineas that seemed to be pretty good about lofting in the barn at night and looking out for hawks and dogs during the day. I have 41 keets in the brooders ready...
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