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  1. DreadedMoonMama

    Goose housing

    How do you house your geese? I mean, like, if someone asked me what they needed for a chicken coop, I'd say a roost and a nesting box. What do you do for geese? I have 1 month old gosslings and they're still in the brooder with their "sister" chickens. The two of them poop soo much that I have...
  2. DreadedMoonMama

    Pics of Gosling brooders?

    I searched for a thread like this but didn't find anything. I'd love to see pics of where everyone is keeping their babies! Also love to see your ideas for waterer as well. :)
  3. DreadedMoonMama

    From pets to outdoor?

    So I have goslings that are about 2 weeks old. They have definitely imprinted on me...I can't walk by the brooder without picking them up without them having a fit (my husband, however, they could care less about, lol). I've taken a lot of effort to hand raise them as I've heard adult geese can...
  4. DreadedMoonMama

    Need serious predator help :(

    Ok, so I'll probably go out and take pictures tomorrow so you guys can help me out more thoroughly, but I'm keeping myself from being overwhelmed with sadness by keeping my mind working, so I figured I'd go ahead and ask for suggestions while I'm up anyway. Over the last week we've been losing...
  5. DreadedMoonMama

    Hole opened but not unzipping?

    So this happened to one of my eggs last hatch and I had to help the baby out, but I never know when to intervene and when not to! I have a webcam on my incubator now. This little guy pipped yesterday morning, almost as soon as they went into lockdown...
  6. DreadedMoonMama

    LG Turner help

    Does anyone know if it's possible to take the cord apart on the LG turner? I really don't like the idea of drilling a giant hole in my bator big enough to get the whole head of the cord through...I moved the covers over where the wires are joined but it looks like they're sodered together. I...
  7. DreadedMoonMama

    Help me plan Thanksgiving!

    So we have 4 turkeys for Thanksgiving this year. One belongs to our family, 2 belong to friends of ours, and the 4th (the tom who's way too big to cook in one piece, anyway) is going to be ground meat to split between us all. I don't want a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving, I want fresh! But I'm...
  8. DreadedMoonMama

    Getting Discouraged :(

    *sigh* I have another bird to bury tomorrow morning and I'm just feeling like I must be the worst chicken mama in history right now. At the height of our flock, we had 34 chickens and 5 turkeys. We lost a chicken here and there to different things - lost a few to hawks which I chalked up to...
  9. DreadedMoonMama

    Letharic/seizure/nasal discharge?

    So I went out to water my birds today and I saw one that I thought was dead laying on the ground. I picked up her and she looked at me - she was still breathing but very limp. Wouldn't stand up, wouldn't perch on my arm, anything. I brought her inside to post on here and find out what was going...
  10. DreadedMoonMama

    5-toe frizzle feather-legged baby

    I picked up an adorable little white bantam from an assorted bantams bin at Tractor Supply. S/he has feathered legs, 5 toes, and now that the feathers are coming in, they're frizzled! Any idea what breed I might have? I'm so excited to have a cute little frizzle baby!
  11. DreadedMoonMama

    Broken neck? Cause?

    I went out to my coop this morning and counted my chicks and there was one missing. When I went to fill up their water, I noticed one of my leghorns laying on the ground, all covered in dirt. I picked it up to see if there were any hints as to why it died, and it opened its eye! So I brought it...
  12. DreadedMoonMama

    Separate coops, shared run/free it possible?

    So we're currently working on adding a second room onto our run. Our idea is to have a door between the 2 rooms...when we have meat birds (currently 10 chickens and 5 turkeys), they will be housed in one side (and fed flock feed/grower/ect.) and the layers in the other. But we free-range our...
  13. DreadedMoonMama

    Hot Water Thermostat HELP!

    So, I took my thermostat apart to drill the holes in it per the instructions. I didn't think I needed to write down how to put it back together, because seriously, it's like, 3 pieces. Well, I've tried and I've tried but since putting it back together I have yet to get it to shut off. I even...
  14. DreadedMoonMama

    Broody hen questions

    Ok I actually have 2 different questions but they have to do with the same situation. lol First off, I had a broody mama sitting on 7 eggs. I went away for a few days and wasn't around to collect eggs from the other chickens. So when I checked under her, there was a new egg. I candled it and...
  15. DreadedMoonMama

    Need a "growing up" coop - Now my "Kitchen Cabinet Coop" thread!

    I want to make a second coop for housing my babies-4mo or so (old enough to start eating layer feed). I have to do it as cheaply as possible, and also as simply as possible as my husband is going to be out of town and I have 3 small children to take care of. I currently have 4 standard size...
  16. DreadedMoonMama

    Super young, but I thought it would be fun to guess anyway :)

    My chicks were 2 weeks old on Friday, so that makes them what, 17 days? They're all "mutts" but I am interested to know if anyone has any thoughts on the coloring. Our 2 roos are an EE and a dom. Dom is alpha so I was assuming most of the babies would be his, but I'm not sure. Chick #1...
  17. DreadedMoonMama

    "Expecting" in March!

    So I have the chick bug, and apparently so do my hens! My first hatch just happened 2 weeks ago (2 hens shared a nest and hatched out all 4 eggs they were sitting on). Now I have another hen gone broody and this time I filled her up! lol I have 7 bantam eggs under her - I bought some Sebright...
  18. DreadedMoonMama

    Feeding chicks & layers?

    So I have 4 brand new chicks that hatched this week. I also have 13 layers and 4 roosters. I have a "chicken share" with some friends of mine - technically I own half the birds, they each own a quarter. We split feed costs and eggs accordingly. What I'm trying to figure out is how to feed the...
  19. DreadedMoonMama

    Total Newb with a few pressing issues

    Hello everyone. I am a mama to 3 little boys (5, 3, and 1) and 17 chickens. We've had them for close to 4 months at this point and haven't really had any "issues" to deal with. But now all of a sudden I have several. I do plan to look through the forums and I'm sure the answers are already here...
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