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  1. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The bear was back the other night. We had moved the camera to aim where the feeders hang. I had already brought them in for the night so he just wandered around the house. We saw him on the back camera and the front camera just after dark. We got home 4 minutes after he wandered off across the...
  2. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Don't they climb? Mine hang from a tree branch and a bear would climb right up the tree to get them. I haven't had any more trouble since I started bringing them in every evening but it's a pain in the butt.
  3. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I'm so unitary and angry this morning. I lost pretty much all of my feeders last night. We had a bear come and destroy them all. My huge, 48" finch tube was broken in to 3 pieces, my big metal one that holds BOSS and 4 suet cakes was ripped apart, twisted and found scattered from where it was...
  4. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I ran out of BOSS and Nyjer seed about 2 weeks ago and my feeders ended up running empty. I finally went out and got more yesterday and 4 suet cakes and put my hummingbird feeder out for the season. I'm still waiting on them all to realize that the banquet is back out there. DH saw a pileated...
  5. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Stupid auto correct lol
  6. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I had a rose breasted grosbeak and a red winged blackbird on my feeder yesterday. Of course they show up when the feeders are pretty much empty :/
  7. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Red-wings are rare at my feeders but they're everywhere at the lake. I think I'm too tucked down in the woods. My irises are a couple inches out of the ground but nowhere near blooming yet. I haven't checked on the daffodils yet.
  8. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Those things are the craziest looking birds ever!
  9. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I've had lots of finches at my feeders lately. Nothing like the swarms of them that I had in the past couple years though. I've seen several blue jays, lots of chickadees and some titmice. One pair of cardinals make an occasional visit where in years past, I've had up to 3 or 4 pairs of them at...
  10. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I haven't messed with my feeders in a couple months since there hadn't been any activity. Yesterday, I noticed the chickadees coming and going so I refilled them all for them.
  11. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I haven't been keeping up with my feeders in a while, just haven't had time but my finch feeders have been full for months. I haven't seen any finches.
  12. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I checked on the phoebe nest today. They have newly hatched babies! No mites in the nest so mom and dad must've just been out celebrating and hunting for their new babies.
  13. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Maybe I'll drag the ladder out tomorrow and peek in and see what's going on
  14. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Yes, dang auto correct. If there's mites, is there anything I can do for them that won't hurt them? I haven't seen or heard the babies yet so I'm not sure if they have any yet.
  15. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I finally used Google lens to identify the family that is nesting on my front shutter. They are eastern pheobes. Mom and dad have been patrolling outside of the nest a lot today. I'm not sure why. Mom just settled back on the nest again though.
  16. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    As I was pulling in to the maintenence shop at the end of the day at work, I got to see a baby killdeer walking along the road. It was an adorable little thing! Mom was nearby. They looked identical but the baby was about 1/3 or 1/4 mom's size.
  17. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Dubai got a chance to load up pictures of my finds :) The super long finch tube, 1 single bird house, 1 double bird house, and a Robin nest shelf. Now I just need to figure out where to put them all.
  18. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I stopped by my parents house today after work because there was an estate sale going on pretty much next door. I found a massive tube finch feeder (like maybe 36" long or so) and grabbed it for $2. Then on the way back home, someone had a side by side along the road, loaded with homemade bird...
  19. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Lots of nests on the buildings at work but I really liked this one inside one of the pavilions :)
  20. OneMountainAcres

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I have a pair of small birds building a nest on top of one of my sites again this year. I have to get a picture with my good camera so I can actually see what they are. They did this last year in the same spot but just when their babies were almost old enough to fledge, a snake got up there and...
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