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  1. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Oh, so you stole it? It was not offered? Thief! 🚓
  2. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Nah. I will send my sister's boyfriend to your house tomorrow after work and you can give it to him. He will get it to me. 🤣
  3. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Wow. Happy Birthday to me, I got no cake. 🤣
  4. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    So... Did my piece get lost in the mail? 😢
  5. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    My calf muscles developed a 'buttcrack'. Probably from spending a lot of time on my tip-toes because I am short. 😂
  6. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    He is jelly of my legs. 😂
  7. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Ask @bill3607. Legs can have a nice shape. 😜
  8. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    "If you treat your cold with medicine, it will be gone in 7 days. If you do nothing, it will be gone in 7 days." You said today was day 3 or 4? It is just getting in its final punches before your body knocks it on its ass. Hang in there! 💪🏻🤗❤️
  9. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    They have good veggie seeds, though. 😁 I tried doing planks years ago, back when my shape was more hour-glass like and not just round, and I failed horribly. Wall sits are amazing, though! Gives your legs and butt a nice shape. And you can kick a soccer ball like Luka Modrić with those leg...
  10. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    You look good in your pfp, so calories can munch butt. 👍🏻😊 But exercise feels great! Crunches are great, too. And I like to use yard work in lieu of formal exercise because you are "working out" but also getting things done/clean.
  11. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    I have had my walking pad for a few weeks and I still cannot figure it out. 😅 Archery is amazing! I have a recurve bow and I love using it. I definitely recommend it. 👍🏻
  12. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Oh man, I miss those days! When I was in school, I could go a few days with no sleep. I was very productive then. I need to get back into meditating and crap. I am in a constant state of feeling drunk/high now, and I hate it. Do you play paintball? I hear it is good to help with a lot of...
  13. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    I know that everyone is different and require different hours of sleep. Myself, I get about 3-5 and can function kind of like an adult. 4-6 is my sweet spot. Any more than that and I tend to act like a pile of mashed potatoes: I just lay about like a blob. 😂 Aim for your sweet spot, and it will...
  14. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Me. I am a somewhat civilized, not really, but I try to be, religious person that has nowhere to hang out, so I hang out everywhere. Usually spreading seeds of chaos and confusion and sitting back and watching them spread because, oh what fun that is. And because my brain moves faster than a...
  15. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Sad to see so many people have a problem with people with differing opinions wanting to be in an environment that they find comfortable. But, welcome to the internet.
  16. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Feel free to leave the thread, then. Not that hard to refrain from entering a thread that you find to be stupid. Right, @casportpony?
  17. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    ...that causes my knee to give out. They should totally not be allowed to have a thread that totally excludes me just because I have a bum knee. 😒 *Total sarcasm. I do not whine and cry about such things.* Though, all of the threads are accessible to everyone, so where the division is, I do...
  18. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Try gargling warm salt water. Works wonders, and salt help keeps germs out of any possible tiny abrasions that may be back there. Yes! Lots of water and ~8 hours of sleep every night will help keep your defenses up. 💪🏻
  19. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    @RebelFord81 I love your pfp! 😍
  20. KayisforKale

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    There was nothing offensive about your comment. 😊 I donate to local churches a lot, and I do not share their faith. Donating to churches is like donating to local food pantries: You do it to give what you can to help those that need it most. I have always seen it as an act of caring regardless...
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