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  • Users: PouleNoire
  • Content: Threads
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  1. PouleNoire

    Hens Again In the East: My Flock's Autobiography

    :frowHello, Hola, Hallo, Ciao, Marhaba, Nǐ hǎo! Greetings from the flock! To introduce their caretaker, I have been raising chickens since 2015, originally in the high elevation of Wyoming until life happened and now we're settled on the east coast in Pennsylvania! We're just getting our flock...
  2. PouleNoire

    New To Show Rabbits

    Hey Rabbit people!:bun So I've had rabbits for quite some years like more than 5 years but they were pretty much just pets I have had my Opal Mini Rex buck; Comet for oh around 4 years if I can remember right? So I'm not a complete newbie. He was bred to show but I got him when I was a little...
  3. PouleNoire

    GLW Sitting on Eggs - Update Thread! 1st Hatch Questions

    Hey everyone!! So to cut to the chase, my Golden Laced Wyandotte; Lacey is sitting on, currently, 5 eggs. I would like to have her sit on a few more gathered in the upcoming few days. I know I don't want them too spaced out because I don't want a too broad staggered hatch. Any thoughts on...
  4. PouleNoire

    ♞Equestrian Chat Thread!♞

    Hello!:frow Welcome to the equestrian chat thread! This thread is for anyone who absolutely adores horses or just rides every so often! No one if left behind! If you ride, train, breed, show, drive, etc, welcome this is the thread for you! I am so excited to get to meet others who are as...
  5. PouleNoire

    When/How to trim a bird w/scissor beak's beak?

    My sweet little personality girl, Muffin has scissor beak and has all her life. Just wondering I have heard they will need trimmed and hers is starting to look a little abnormally long, not terrible just abnormal. Does anyone have a picture or something of when they should be trimmed? And how...
  6. PouleNoire

    Wild Bird Pests!! How to get rid of them?

    We have this crazy wild bird problem! Sometimes, in the mornings as we let the chickens out numbers in the range of 40-50 birds will fly out of the coop!:barnie The birds are wild pigeons and these black things that we don't know what they are, annoying birds is what we call them. They poop ALL...
  7. PouleNoire

    Another question...4H thread

    So another thread I was unsubscribed to after I accidentally deleted all my threads was a 4Her thread, I tried searching but didn't work, anyone got a link for it?
  8. PouleNoire

    quick question..cochin thread

    So I made a mistake and accidentally unsubscribed from all my threads!:he:barnie Anyway, does anyone have a link to the major cochin breed thread? Thanks!, FMF
  9. PouleNoire

    ~The Sapphire Gem~ A Breed's Chat Thread

    Welcome to the Sapphire Gem chat thread! I created this thread as a place to gather and talk about the new, beautiful, regal breed; the Sapphire Gem! Anyone interested in this new breed is welcome here, feel free to post pictures of your birds and engage in discussion, this is a very new breed...
  10. PouleNoire

    FMF's 2018 Chick Thread!

    ...breed I had marveled at for some time) and a Dominique! Meet the Chicks! Riya Sapphire Gem Opal California White Jewel Sapphire Gem Also Jewel *Jewel has a unique facial marking on the left side of her face so in some pictures she may show this or the other side, don't confuse her for...
  11. PouleNoire

    Budgie Chat Thread!

    Welcome to the budgie chat thread! You can be a owner, breeder or just budgie lover, everyone is welcome! Feel free to post pics, stories etc. of your birds and if you have ANY questions, hopefully we can answer those here too! Thanks and enjoy!
  12. PouleNoire

    Interior Coop Designs Thread! - Need ideas!

    We need to redesign the interior of our coop to fit more roosting space! Please post ANY pictures you have of your coop interiors!! Thank you in advance!
  13. PouleNoire

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken w/prolapsed vent and possible bumblefoot!

    I have a LF white cochin hen who yesterday we saw had prolapse vent, we washed her off and sprayed hydrocortisone spray on it, today we bought some vetetrcyn plus, we could not find vetetrcyn VF, will the plus work to spray on it as well? Upon closer inspection it looks like she may have...
  14. PouleNoire

    The Feather Mountain Flock!

    Hi! Welcome to FeatherMtnFarms' flock thread 2.0!! After the previous thread fizzled out I decided to recreate a updated version!! So follow along for tons of chicken chat, ducky discussions, flock adventures, lots of poultry pics and more!!
  15. PouleNoire

    Gardening w/Ducks - How do you keep a garden with ducks!?

    Last year I decided to add some plants to my chicken yard because of all the benefits and beauty they gave the yard! The chickens did GREAT with them, they didn't really peck, sit on, or eat much of them at all! The same can't be said for the ducks however...they would sit on the grasses, eat...
  16. PouleNoire

    Broody Cochin - Should I move her?

    We are pretty sure my white cochin Paisley has gone broody. We don't plan on having her hatch eggs and right now she is just sitting on her nest and/or sitting on infertile eggs. I wanted to know if it would be best to move her somewhere else or leave her where she is. I don't think the other...
  17. PouleNoire

    Duck Housing & Setup

    What do you use for your ducks housing and what not? We got 2 pekin ducks this year, they are 4 weeks old so we have to start thinking about what they are going to live in. If they are males we will keep them separate from the chickens, if they are female we may let them wander with the...
  18. PouleNoire

    Gender of Pekin Ducks?

    We just got 2 Pekin ducklings from TSC and they are about a week old. We know they are Pekin but we don't know what genders they are. Here are some questions: 1. At what age do drakes get their "drake feather" 2. When do they start to make the noises to tell if they are a boy or girl? (What...
  19. PouleNoire


    There was a skunk by the chicken coop yesterday!It did not hurt the chickens, we think it is going after the eggs. There is only one. There is a small gap underneath the coop and we are boarding that up as well as putting some wire underneath the ground if it tries to dig underneath. Any...
  20. PouleNoire

    The Bantam Thread!!!!!

    Welcome everyone to the bantam thread! I was looking for a bantam thread and found one, but it had not been posted in for a while and was inactive, but I thought it was a good idea so I'm picking it back up again! This thread is for all breeds of bantam fowl so feel free to post pics, discuss...
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