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  1. The Yakima Kid

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Only on freeze dried emergency foods. We stocked up because we found that during covid our dried and freeze dried emergency foods let us have some "fun food."
  2. The Yakima Kid

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Nope, not at all. The original were large fowl. I like the BBR color the best.
  3. The Yakima Kid

    What chicken breeds are closest to "your grandfather's chicken"?

    I had Dominiques, but they did better with free choice feed available at all times. Now I have lovely Cubalaya, tall, graceful, and elegant. The males seem to dance as they walk and move.
  4. The Yakima Kid

    What chicken breeds are closest to "your grandfather's chicken"?

    Before the 1910s the average hen laid far less than 200 eggs per year. The tradition was to keep a few birds for breeding over the winter - but most of the birds that were a year old wound up on the table. Concentrated breeding and selection by professor Dryden at Oregon Agricultural College...
  5. The Yakima Kid

    Are Female Australorps and Dominiques OK to raise together in a flock?

    I suspect no problems as long as you have more than one of each. Chickens can be colorist. The only breed I would not keep with either of these is the production grade orangey Rhode Island Red - they feather pull on every other bird in the flock, including each other. My Australorp tried to kill...
  6. The Yakima Kid

    Sorry. I was born in Yakima, but as an adult I am stuck in California. Goldendale is a nice...

    Sorry. I was born in Yakima, but as an adult I am stuck in California. Goldendale is a nice place to live; but now that my husband has retired, we are likely to move to someplace like the Dakotas, or KS, or Texas where they still have a Bill of Rights in use. I do miss the Yakima Valley and the...
  7. The Yakima Kid

    Bantam Cubalayas - 3 Pair 2022 - SF Bay Area

    Three pair 2022 Cubalaya bantams. Project color. SF Bay Area. Very elegant living ornaments. Reply or send message if interested.
  8. The Yakima Kid

    Chicken feed in SF Bay Area?

    Yes. A real old school feed store; not a boutique shop. Good feed and very knowledgeable staff.
  9. The Yakima Kid

    Cubalaya and sebright chicks

    Or lays an egg. Sorry. I couldn't resist. :lau
  10. The Yakima Kid

    Merriam Turkey Poults for sale

    The juveniles have been sold.
  11. The Yakima Kid

    Buff Orpington haters and lovers WAR!!!

    ...them. I guess you missed the part where I noted that proper selection can bring the utility qualities back and that they are sweet, gentle, cuddly, quiet, and excellent for backyard use. I find more people complain about having *too many* eggs from their backyard birds than not having enough...
  12. The Yakima Kid

    Pallet or Roo?

    Been there, done that. Like the time I wasn't thinking and described my old Orpington Americana cross bird as a "really big cock" in the local Tradeer Joe's checkout line. The woman behind us in the line with her kids got all offended by my obscenity. My husband informed her that I was...
  13. The Yakima Kid

    Buff Orpington haters and lovers WAR!!!

    Most Buff Orpingtons have lost their utility qualities. The late Walt Leonard told me about an exhibition breeder who had exhibition Orpingtons that, in his words, "laid like Leghorns." It seems the breeder trap nested and bred for high performance layers, which is something you can learn about...
  14. The Yakima Kid

    Pallet or Roo?

    I think you meant pullet? Looks like a cockerel to me although I don't know much about Silkies. Looks like a high tail and a cape.
  15. The Yakima Kid

    Merriam Turkey Poults for sale

    These are now officially juveniles, not poults.
  16. The Yakima Kid

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Meat Bird Show

    Sustainable Meat Bird Category Merriam turkeys ; one jake, four jennys Naturally breeding, excellent parents, heavy foragers, flying type. This variety of Wild Turkey is primarily found in the Rockies, South Dakota, Nebraska, and parts of Oregon. Incubator hatched from eggs produced by captive...
  17. The Yakima Kid

    Where else can I order a Giant Runt Pigeon?

    Uhyup. The first time someone mentioned them to me I thought it was some sort of new variant on that old rural tradition, the snipe hunt.
  18. The Yakima Kid

    Are Parlor Roller Pigeons and heavy pigeons unhappy?

    I suspect not. Chickens can fly as chicks - I have had even a young laying LF Dominique fly about 50' about 4' in the air - but they seem to accept it quite graciously when they discover that they have become earth bound.
  19. The Yakima Kid

    Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Meat Bird Show

    Sustainable Meat Bird Category I guess it should also be in Turkeys Merriam turkeys 1 jake; 4 jennys. Naturally breeding, excellent parents, heavy foragers, flying type. Intelligent, curious, friendly, as well as heat and cold hardy. This variety of Wild Turkey is primarily found in the...
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