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  1. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    As an experiment, I gave a dozen bantam eggs to one of the servers at The Pub so she could pickle them.... We will see if the management will allow her to offer them at the bar... And if so, I'll have a customer for the bantam eggs!
  2. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Ahh, those TMIMITW quotes were stolen! Let's see if this triggers some OFH responses: "If you woke up this morning, thank Jack Bauer )for saving the world last night)." Chuck Norris wears a Jack Bauer T-shirt. The Boogieman checks his closet for Jack Bauer. Superman wears Jack Bauer...
  3. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Once (or twice) upon a time, I found myself guilty of TUI (Typing Under the Influence). I could tell I should shut down the computer and walk away when I kept trying to fix mistakes more than actually communicate thoughts longer than a few words. Of course, this was back in the days of 1200 baud...
  4. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    ...complaint. She said she was already satisfied, I did not have to allow her access, but she appreciated my desire to make it absolutely clear *I* am not the problem. Because the source isn't here, she will be "shot-gunning" all the residences on the road to "be thorough." She said my two...
  5. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    California actually has a Tree Squirrel season: second Saturday in September extending through the last Sunday in January. The limit is four per day, with four in possession. I once asked Mississippifarmboy if he would send some to me to try (before I discovered if was legal to hunt them here)...
  6. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Vehve, I am very interested in those feeder units in your photo. Looks like there would be minimal waste from the silly birds beaking the feed out onto the floor. Can you show other photos and/or explain the set-up for those of us wishing to copy from you?
  7. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    My preference is to be cremated, but not this week. This is what's going on around here: This fire started yesterday afternoon. It's moving up the canyons of North Fork of the Cosumnes River; I live near the Middle Fork. However, today the fire is also...
  8. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    I "need" to have some talented person PhotoShop a pair of outstretched chicken wings to my shoulders in this photo, a la Angel Wings. Anybody game?
  9. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Ohhh, yeah.... Me too, Diva. I've been flying solo so long now I can't even imagine changing that status. My gal friends with attached spouses periodically ask me if I have a boyfriend "yet." :rolleyes: I haven't met anybody "yet" with whom I am willing to get nekkid, much less put up with...
  10. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    My little window A/C unit - set to TRY to keep the living room at or below 78 degrees - was working until after midnight.... It doesn't cool down all that much at night up here in the Foothills. My adult cat, Lizbeth, <I>almost</I> started to play with the new kitten this morning. But then she...
  11. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Y'know, I was just about to say the same thing. The "extra secure, very long-sleeved jacket you made for me was quite comfortable, as long as someone kindly places a staw into my mug o' beer. (<I>There is a corroborating photo somewhere on this thread, back in early November last year, but I...
  12. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Apparently my Homestead has become the Homestead for the mama skunk which first showed up two years ago. She had two kits then. When I first encountered her IN the coop one night it was hot and I'd left the People door open, then was late in closing up. I let her stay and backed away when she...
  13. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    A kitten has joined the family. It has been at least two decades since I have had any kittens, as so many rescues need homes. I figured it was about time for some youngster's antics. :P I was smitten by this kitten when one of the servers at The Pub showed me pictures of the litter. These...
  14. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    ...I created back when I used a 1200 baud modem. Sometimes I use GryEyes911 on sites related to my former employment. I happen to have grey eyes. <*shrugging*>. Somewhere, I have a photo of just my eyes for proof. Somebody once close to me animated that image so I have a winking version...
  15. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Coming late to the share fest, from the Class of '71. I went to Pacific Grove High Scool for three years, but for my senior year, I was one of twenty students chosen for the Community Centered High School (also in Pacific Grove). We students BUILT the facility in a corner of the Junior High...
  16. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    I just lugged the window A/C unit into place and turned it on. It's ten PM and 81 degrees in the house! Cooler outside than in. The House Chickens are holding their wings away from their bodies and Sparkle's four chicks sleep with their necks stretched out along the HC blanket next to her...
  17. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    Dang! I am incredibly impressed! :bow
  18. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home convinced I do not need goats, thank you for making THAT clear, folks. SCG is obviously a person with much more patience than I possess. <I><*waving at the far away but happy Oz*></I> I didn't get around to starting a veggie garden this year and probably won't. <I><*sigh*></I> I am a...
  19. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    ...(He used the real word quite liberally.). "I CAN do that." That's when I finally snapped. "No, you can't. You harm my livestock and I'll have your ***. We're done - I said I'd take care of moving them no later than May 31st. We're done now." I snatched the screen door out of his grasp...
  20. gryeyes

    The Old Folks Home

    the other day, I picked up feed and BOSS, opened the back of the 4Runner unloaded the first bag o' feed for the "starving" flock, then took my purse into the house. When I came back to unload the rest of the bags, Carl and two of his ladies were tail feathers deep into the stuff back there. Of...
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