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  1. Redbirdacres

    Elector PSP- very specifc question

    So we have mites. Two of my girls pretty badly. I finally got my Elector PSP in the mail late last night. I need to go out and clear the coop, spray the coop, bars, and birds. Here's my specific question: it was supposed to rain today. It's delayed after some rain last night. So today is...
  2. Redbirdacres

    Pitting crop

    Tonight my husband couldn't find our Gracie girl. We found her in the garage instead of the coop. The last time this happened, about a year ago, she had sour crop. Tonight when I picked her up, her crop wasn't soft and mushy like it was with sour crop but it was quite large and hard. Upon...
  3. Redbirdacres

    We're REALLY late

    We have 15 CC that we're really late getting culled. We have an appt with the Amish farm that does it for us for the 25th. They'll be 14 weeks. I feel terrible for them. How can I help them till this date? Please, I feel bad for them already, no negative comments.
  4. Redbirdacres

    Pool and algae

    So we really don't have much shade on our land. We're remedying that and have planted a few trees and bushes but that will take years to develop shade obviously. The pool gets very dirty very quickly (I know, not much to do about that) but I've purchased a net for large debris and with prime day...
  5. Redbirdacres

    Wheelchair time! Help me please!

    I've seen this link a few time on searches and thought what a great idea and so much cheaper! Had a chance to go to Walmart today and grabbed one. Was hoping for two (one for peanut, one for Kevin/Big Guy) but there was only one left. Kevin is more...
  6. Redbirdacres


    OK so a while ago everyone got a little chuckle when I asked about my babies being out in the rain. I know I know...rookie duck mama mistake. However today we are have the possibility of some thunderstorms. Do you make sure your duckies get inside for thunderstorms? They're not big fans of hard...
  7. Redbirdacres

    Off center pelvis???

    ...and the thought of culling her is heartbreaking as I've grown quite attached this teeny tiny baby. This may just be disabled farm animal #3 for me *sigh* (See duck posts if you want to know more lol). PS sorry for the video, our barn cat was trying to shoo everyone off so she could have my...
  8. Redbirdacres

    Loss of waterproofing

    I have two disabled ducks I've posted about multiple times before, and I'm worried about them losing their waterproofing. Even though they would fight me and hated to be in the water, I tried to put them in a couple times a week. Today was very hot and humid (again...going to be a long summer...
  9. Redbirdacres

    Gendering help

    OK I still can't figure out this sexing thing. My gang is about 10-11 weeks old. I read the sticky post but I still have no clue and need some help please. The following video is four of my six. The other two are disabled babies and I'm not sure their voice is fully developed given the issues or...
  10. Redbirdacres

    Temporary roost ideas

    We moved our 9 week old chicks (one roo, 4 hens, and one SURPRISE roo) outside on Monday to the coop/run. We are slowly integrating with our 7 one year old hens so they're separated at all times. I want to throw together something insanely quick and easy for a roost for the babies while they're...
  11. Redbirdacres

    Its so hot🥵🥵

    What can I do to keep my babies cool? They're about 9.5-10 weeks and the do have a nice sized kiddie pool HOWEVER...Not everyone can or does use it. 3 of the 6 go in frequently to cool off and do OK. One has some bow legged issues and while it CAN go in and out of the pool, it does some struggle...
  12. Redbirdacres

    Need ideas to keep him upright 😥

    This is nubby. We've been treating him for multiple things for weeks on end (please see previous threads for more explanations). He flips himself over multiple times a day and is unable to get back on his stomach. I need ideas to try to keep him upright. I will possibly be building him a DIY...
  13. Redbirdacres

    Dumb question...rain

    Ok dumb question as a new duck mama. My 7 don't have their big ducky house yet, we're building it this week. So they stay in the garage and during the day the go outside. I built a large ex pen from dog gates and there's a pool for them to go in. It's very overcast, cool, and raining on and off...
  14. Redbirdacres

    Production Red and Buff Orpington

    So we ordered from a hatchery but the only thing they could send was our BO rooster. So we got production red and rustic rocks from TSC. (I think they're hybrids of RIR and BR.) Now I'm wondering if this red is a roo 😬 I'm also question my he actually a roo 🤣 Pic of the other red for...
  15. Redbirdacres

    Duck legs

    So I'm currently looking into splints (diy) for three disabled ducks. I'm going DIY right now because they're still growing a little but almost full grown. I've tried searching on how ducks move their legs but I find a lot about what happens underwater. I'm wondering about when they sleep/nest...
  16. Redbirdacres

    Vitamin D recommendations please

    I spoke with my vet and although they don't treat poultry and waterfowl, they did some research for me and believe my duckies have a vitamin D deficiency instead of the B like I've been thinking. I need recommendations for a vitamin D supplement to give them please. I tried searching but didn't...
  17. Redbirdacres

    Brown eye discharge

    This is my wobbly head dude/ette. Ever since this started, one of the eyes looks like this. I try to clean it but it's pretty gunky. I figured it was because they couldn't clean themselves so they're pretty dirty but it's always just been one eye. Today, peanut, the smallest of my flock, has the...
  18. Redbirdacres

    Can i give him a bath?

    My neurologic wobbly head duck hasn't been able to clean himself during all this. Hes extremely dirty. I've tried putting him in shallow water and rinsing him off but can I actually bathe him? Maybe with some dawn? I'm not sure how long it will take for him to feel better and be able to stand...
  19. Redbirdacres

    How worried should we be about botulism?

    So in my last post I talked about my duck who has some sort of neurological thing going on and I'm concerned it's botulism after doing some googling and reading. My ducks are about 5-6 weeks and don't have their permanent house yet so right now they have a large kiddie pool and hang out in the...
  20. Redbirdacres

    Wobbly head

    This is the duck I've posted about before that has a backwards foot. S/he has always been fine and would get around and eat and drink etc. The last couple days I've noticed a drunk type wobbly head. I tried to get a video here. The last part of the 30 seconds is where you see it better when I...
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