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  1. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I was just out there this morning trying to get some non blurry photos. :)
  2. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    The final ones were already hatched and dry when I got to my mom's yesterday around 9 am. It's been pretty hot the past few days, so I gues that sped them up two days early! One is a grey(blue) and other other black. Seem to have more of the Seabright gold color on their heads than the first...
  3. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Awww, I am sorry to hear it wasn't alive. *HUGS* No, it's not TMI for me, I'm glad you found out and let me know. I did a couple eggtopsies myself this hatch, I didn't open the one too much once I saw it wasn't alive ( had lots of yolk yet), but the one that had developed to almost hatching...
  4. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    There are two articles, both are good: She uses a screw to make the little hole. and
  5. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I actually used what I think they call a diamond drill bit? It was from my dremel set that I use to drillholes to blow out eggs. I just did it gently by hand. I read you can use a little drill bit, too. Then after I got the hole I used the tweezers.
  6. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Just in case you need them, you've seen/reviewed the assisted hatch articles here on BYC? She's a mix of mille fleur d'Uccle (hen) x blue dutch (roo) :)
  7. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Oo! Maybe it's stuck? I had one I was worried was shrink wrapped because the air cell was so big, so I drilled a little hole by hand into the top of the air cell, and took just enough shell away with tweezers so I could see in ok. It was OK, I was just being a worrywart. I think if you put a...
  8. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    ...I have a lot of chicken projects to do in between, cleaning and painting coops. My mom said the mommas are staying outside on the ground at night, *face palm*, so I have to try and convince them to go into the nest area. Luckily it's been pretty warm here now. "Anger Bird" (Nutmeg) on her...
  9. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    O M G the last one is SOOO cute! I love them all, I adore cheekies!
  10. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Happy hatching! So many pretty chickies! Boy what a weekend! So, I had #4,#5, &#6 hatch within an hour the same time Saturday night, after I'd given up staring at them, and then later that night #7. #8....boy, that one. I waited until 12 pm Sunday and decided to take everything/chicks up to...
  11. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    So cute!!!
  12. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I had one do that, and hatched out fine, I kept a close eye though! S/he zipped went kind of horizontal at first then around. S/he took a long time to be ready, #6 of #8.
  13. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    7 chickies out, checked the three eggs this morning, two quit (one had absorbed the yolk and was positioned head between legs, so close! ), the other looks to have quit a day or so ago, I could see the yolk unabsorbed. BUT Jumbotron is still alive and well, pipped internally, and peeping. I'd...
  14. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I know, right? :D The watched egg never hatches?
  15. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Always seems like when I get done writing " nothing happening for hours and hours..." Had three hatch in the 4:00 hour. One of them was my backwards chick. :) That one zipped horizontally for a bit before going the correct way.
  16. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    No more hatches yet, but one of the BIG eggs did a BIG wiggle today around 11:51 am, and I looked but didn't see an external pip. Later I happened to look at the bottom of the egg... Lord help me, it pipped opposite the air cell. :rolleyes:
  17. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Yay! That is great news! I'm crossing my fingers for mine. :)
  18. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I'm pretty bad about this too, I really did try to leave the chickies in there, but one had an eggshell stuck to her eye. I wanted to check the status of the bigger eggs, and I got the humidity back up quickly.
  19. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Right after I signed off the internet last night #20 hatched ( around 10:15?), and then an hour later the full sibling to Headstart hatched. And I found another pipped. But that was all that happened, and I did get a bit of sleep. I went to bed around 3:30 am, set my alarm for 4 to check on...
  20. JennyHeidewald

    14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Oops, sorry, I didn't write that with all the info, the bantam I mentioned that hatched was not the backwards one, it was just my first one out. Little backwards is still in there chilling. :)
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