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  • Users: teach1rusl
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  1. teach1rusl

    Support for hen recovering from coccidiosis

    I received a hen and a pullet (via USPS Priority) from a breeder LAST Wednesday. The pullet was energetic and active, but the hen was not. She does appear to be in a late stage of molting, so for the first two days, I attributed her lack of activity to shipping stress and molting discomfort...
  2. teach1rusl

    Solved the feeder waste issue!!

    I've been keeping chickens since 2009, and had just learned to accept feeder waste. Other than one homemade bucket feeder (which allows for very little waste due to how deep the dish part is), I've always used the store-bought red/white gravity feeders, and have often wondered WHY they make the...
  3. teach1rusl

    Bald eagles killing ducklings

    A pair of bald eagles was placed several miles away a few years ago. It was exciting at the time, but since I have chickens it was also a bit worrisome. I've seen them (actually only one) fly over on several occasions, always heading in the direction of the nesting site. Never had issues...
  4. teach1rusl

    Swollen legs on old hen...any advice? Pics included

    My lead hen, an australorp of 6+ years, has developed swollen legs. I thought her legs looked a little thicker a few weeks ago, but over the past week they have ballooned just ABOVE her the "cankle" area of BOTH legs. So far, thankfully, she is not limping. And her health does not...
  5. teach1rusl

    Raccoon or weasel??

    A few nights ago my sister-in-law lost three ducks. They were penned. The pen has welded wire (including top) with 1" chicken wire around the lower 24 inches. But last week they joined this pen with another, smaller pen by cutting openings and pushing them together, and they did not secure...
  6. teach1rusl

    Need advice on confronting egg begging family members...

    I live on a family farm of my in-laws. When my chickens first began laying, we were overflowing in eggs, and I was more than happy to share extra eggs with family and coworkers. But eventually we started selling our extra eggs to pay for the chicken feed. We have LF and bantam hens, so we'd...
  7. teach1rusl

    Suggestions for swollen feet on pullet???

    My cochin/d'uccle mixed pullet has swollen feet. It is not bumblefoot, and I don't THINK it's scaley leg mite related (the scales look healthy to me). Her legs appear healthy as well, but her feet and toes almost look deformed due to their thickness/swolleness. Elephantiasis is what popped...
  8. teach1rusl

    All Male Flock of Guineas?

    Hi. I read through the Guinea Fowl 101 article, as well as other guinea related threads and guinea sites because I'm considering gettting a few guineas next spring. I can't find an answer to a question I have. I'm really not interested in them hatching/raising keets (afraid of being overrun...
  9. teach1rusl

    Friends of a Feather Indeed!

    Walked into my Serama coop to see who was up to what in there on this rainy (but thankfully much cooler) day. My birds mostly free range, so I found my D'uccle Joy just laying there, three broody Seramas (Big Mama, A.J., and Lucy) on nests (the rest are out and about), an Easter Egger (Autumn)...
  10. teach1rusl

    Smallest Fart Egg Ever...LOL!

    Overnight last night my smallest serama hen laid this fart egg, which is the smallest I've ever seen! (please ignore the pet hair - I
  11. teach1rusl

    Euthanasia Through Carbon Monoxide

    We finally put a bird down today, and after reading about all the different methods, this is the one that my husband and I both agreed seemed best for our situation. I'm sharing the experience because I know there are probably lots of folks out there who (like me) will eventually find...
  12. teach1rusl

    Questions about Marek's Testing/Necropsy

    For anyone who has had birds tested for Mareks, or has done their own necropsy, could you please help... I have a 1.5 yr. old rooster (John Urban) that I think could have mareks. His symptoms sound similar (began with a limp, more and more difficulty with walking as the weeks have gone by)...
  13. teach1rusl

    Missing Cayuga...Can you help?

    ...on a nest somewhere??? I'm hoping for the latter, but believe she was probably taken by something, although the lack of feathers about anywhere has me puzzled. Thanks for any input. * I just thought...could a large owl have carred off a duck of that size??? Without evidence of...
  14. teach1rusl

    Serama Coop FINALLY Finished!!!

    They've been in it for two weeks, but I really just finished it this weekend. I found the cutest chicken material that I'm going to make curtains from next week, but technically it's DONE!! What ever will I do with all my spare time now??? To avoid having to get permits (in my area...
  15. teach1rusl

    Small Chicken Coop in Southern Indiana

    I'm selling a small chicken coop that I built as a temporary coop for my seramas. They've been moved into their new coop...that's why I'm now listing it. The price is firm at this time, because I will simply keep it as a spare if it doesn't sell. It's 48 inches x 50 inches, so just over 4x4...
  16. teach1rusl

    A Question For Those Who Freerange Their Ducks - Please Advise

    I'm a chicken person, so am coming to you duck people for advice. My SIL/BIL recently bought a few ducks (2 rouns, a runner, and something else I'm unsure of) to keep on the small lake that borders our property (they live across the lake). To be quite honest, they started with 6 ducks and...
  17. teach1rusl

    My cheap, cute, pallet/scrap coop...

    I just finished putting together a page for my pallet/scrap coop build. Altogether, I spent less than $50 for materials for this little 48" x 50" coop. If you want to see my steps, take a look: A few pics: I started with several...
  18. teach1rusl

    Pics of this weeks progress on our new serama coop

    Got hooked on Seramas this year, so we started our Serama coop this past week. These little birds don't do too well with cold weather, so we wanted an insulated coop that would give them space, since I probably won't let them go outside on days below 40 degrees (which is most of our...
  19. teach1rusl

    Alpaca feeder question for alpaca owners

    Hi. If you have alpacas, could you please take a look at this horse feeder from my local CL and tell me whether you think they'd work fine for alpacas: I don't have alpacas yet; we're working on the fencing, housing, and gathering of...
  20. teach1rusl

    My dane Diesel and his buddy...

    This is Diesel with his BFF Angel. He's about 160 lbs and she's about 6 lbs, and she STILL bosses him around. Aren't they both cute???
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