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  1. Skye'sDucks


    That's all so true, and I really appreciate your insightful thoughts on schooling! I think that when I get so wrapped up in what I hear and think about in my certain field, and what those close to me are saying, it can be hard to see the big picture. But it is true that local skills certainly...
  2. Skye'sDucks


    Oh my gosh, yes! It is incredibly hard to navigate things now, especially since often my degree of choice is seen like that, or so many expect me just to be a teacher/get back into school, go for a masters, or do something like that. Unfortunately a big area of argument that has arisen between...
  3. Skye'sDucks


    Oh my gosh I know!! Ginger was a a neglect/mistreatment case before we got her, and her feet were in horrible condition. I learned how to take care of horse feet, all about thrush, etc from both my trainer and the farrier. Our farrier we have doing Ginger actually specializes in TBs, but it can...
  4. Skye'sDucks


    Of course! Aw thank you! I always appreciate your tips and insight, they're so helpful. :) It would be amazing to know Ginger's whole history, but I doubt I'll ever learn it, only bits and pieces. From the stories I hear and the scars on her body it looks like she didn't have a very good life...
  5. Skye'sDucks


    Aw thank you! She actually has settled in and done very well now, it just took a few days. :) And we do wonder if maybe one time she was at this facility! Just a wild guess, but who knows. Ginger doesn't have a tattoo but this facility doesn't require horses to have tattoos to train. We are...
  6. Skye'sDucks

    Do I need to worry about mosquitoes biting my outdoor rabbits?

    Mosquitoes would land and bite on my rabbits which I kept outdoors. I found running a fan to keep air circulating/blowing on them helped cut back on the bugs a lot, and I even bought a dog/cat/pet fly spray that I would sometimes rub on their ears and noses. I think it's one they sell at Petco...
  7. Skye'sDucks


    I brought my sister out to our new facility and we explored some of the trails today. It's gorgeous out there. :love We didn't even go through the whole trail! There's like 90 something acres that you can ride around, mostly trails that go between properties. I definitely need to get back in the...
  8. Skye'sDucks


    Thank you! ❤️ Honestly, just spending time with your horse! If you get one or get the chance to lease, hanging around with your horse on the ground is some of the best quality time to bond. That's how I got so close with Ginger. As she's a lesson horse, I don't get to ride her much anymore, but...
  9. Skye'sDucks


    Hey horse people! I wanted to share some pretty pictures of the new place Ginger and the other horses I work with are at now -- my barn completely moved this month! In some unfortunate circumstances, the farm we were at before was being rented, and in some...interesting family dynamics lol, it...
  10. Skye'sDucks


    One of our mares' stalls is right next to one of our hoses, we have one of those switches you just turn once to turn the water on... she likes to switch it off on you randomly sometimes! 😅
  11. Skye'sDucks

    Dressage Videos

    I was confused too, but you can actually click some of the dressage letters that have words -- I think M is Membership and you should be able to click it, F is Forums. It worked for me and I could get to the pages by clicking those letters.
  12. Skye'sDucks


    Oh how cool! Our farrier actually did something very similar as well to my boss's filly. She kept getting this crack in her toe, so he dug it out a bit like that so we could put stuff in it and kill the bacteria. I don't personally work with her at this moment so I can't say the results, but as...
  13. Skye'sDucks


    Good! they're not directly mine, but the horse I'm training showed some huge improvement last session, but the mare I take care, of Ginger, just got her feet redone and is feeling a little sore. She has navicular and arthritis in one foot so usually new shoes and angles does that to her. I was...
  14. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    and I completely forgot to add: my mom said she's seen the hen drinking water, but we haven't really seen her eat. My mom also said she didn't get a picture of her poo, but she saw her poop yesterday or the day before and it looked completely normal. Today Martha (the sick chicken) has been...
  15. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Alright great, thanks for letting me know, and thank you for the dosage info! So I should try to get her the goat wormer, either safe guard or Valbazen, but am I am able to also give horse wormer as you mentioned if I cannot happen to find the goat? Just wanted to check!
  16. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Hi, sorry I didn't get back yesterday, I had work all afternoon. I was reading up on some of those reproductive orders and all of that yesterday which had me wondering. I went out today to check her again, acting about the same, maybe a little more alert. I didn't feel her crop yesterday, it...
  17. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Ahh okay, I was thinking and still am thinking it could be something bacterial or internal, like we've talked about. I just don't see signs for anything else-- at least anything that is sticking out to me.
  18. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Thank you for the post. My mom had actually, from her research, mentioned this same thing to me. It could very well be that this is the cause, since I'm not finding symptoms for anything else (or maybe I'm just missing something). Thank you for your input, I'll have to see if anyone else agrees...
  19. Skye'sDucks

    Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound

    Hello! I don't often post in the chicken forms since my flock has always been healthy and I know quite a bit about poultry myself, but I'm stumped on this one! Quick background: I live at home currently and my mom and I have a flock of five chickens. They all get along great with each other...
  20. Skye'sDucks


    Hello! How is your bun today? I hope he's feeling better! For stasis, usually the best home remedy is baby's gas drops (I know you said you didn't have), usually the correct dosage can be googled or probably found somewhere on BYC, as I don't have it off the top of my head. I know a little...
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