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  1. goodmanfarm

    4 week old chickens - need help determining breed/gender

    For B, that one is the youngest, he/she hatched a couple of days after everyone else as it was stuck in the egg. Dont know if that makes a difference in his comb/waddle development but i thought that may be why he has baby fuz on his neck still
  2. goodmanfarm

    4 week old chickens - need help determining breed/gender

    These guys hatched on April 28 and are about 4 weeks old now, the eggs came from a farm so we have no idea what breed they would be. A B C D E F
  3. goodmanfarm

    2 week olds eating pine shavings

    hello all i have 2 week old chicks and i just switched them from puppy pee pads to pine shavings as their bedding. they are all pecking and eating it a lot and i’m worried about it. they still eat from their food bowl, but it looks like their eating a lot of the smaller shavings. i don’t have...
  4. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    update: it is the next morning. the egg has been zipped since yesterday, and i can see this is is breathing and moving inside. the membrane is broken now, and chick is trying really hard to get out, but is still in the egg. do you think it will make it out ok??:(
  5. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    the first picture i attached was with no help. after that another chick pecked at it and caused it to bleed and more shell to come off. then my dad used tweezers and punctured the membrane, which is the tiny dot of blood. other than that yes
  6. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    do you think it will hatch by itself?
  7. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    that’s what i said! my dad tried to help it and tore a hole with tweezers but the hole began to bleed. we are leaving it alone now. i hope it is ok as the bleeding seems to have stopped. is there risk now from opening the incubator?
  8. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    another chick pecked a hole thru that began to bleed! i can see the eye blinking and moving but its not trying to get out
  9. goodmanfarm

    HELP!! Do i need to assist this egg? will it make it??

    this egg has lost a lot of shell but not the membrane! it is not bleeding and we are not sure why. do we assist it? if so HOW? we have never done that.
  10. goodmanfarm

    help! don’t know what i’m looking at with this pip

    the pip was on the underside of the egg, but a hatched chick turned it over. it looks like the pip only took off the shell, but the membrane layer is still intact. is this normal??
  11. goodmanfarm

    cleaning the incubator DURING incubation?

    yes we smelled each egg and candled, definetly didn't seem like it was coming from the eggs.
  12. goodmanfarm

    cleaning the incubator DURING incubation?

    not sure what the incubator is called but its made out of styrofoam material. There is no visual mold. We decided against using the bleach for now. Thanks!
  13. goodmanfarm

    cleaning the incubator DURING incubation?

    Tomorrow is day 18 for my eggs. while refilling the water for the last couple days we've noticed a smell of mold coming from the incubator. this is probably because of the constant water and sponges in it, but we were wondering if it means anything harmful. My dad wanted to spray the inside of...
  14. goodmanfarm

    did this egg die?

    we are on day 15 candling and we are not seeing what we wanted :( when we candled on day 9 i saw this baby moving and kicking around, now it looks like it might have stopped developing. hope to have better luck with the other eggs but things are not looking good. don’t know what went wrong
  15. goodmanfarm

    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    i've owned many RIRs and RIWs and they come off as assertive sometimes, but mine aren't really agressive. I do think they seem to get along better with some breeds more than others though
  16. goodmanfarm

    is it important to remove infertile eggs

    yes! when i candled on day 10 i saw a little embryo swimming around, and i could see its eye and a little bit of a beak! it was so cool... i wish that i had more light eggs so i could see more of them! (most of my eggs are dark/ green and i couldnt see much but the air cell and veining) and i...
  17. goodmanfarm

    is it important to remove infertile eggs

    did not know this! some of the eggs we got were really really dirty and had spots of dirt and feces coated on them. we didn't wash them all, but we washed the ones that were really bad in a washing solution specifically for fertilized eggs. we also wiped them off with a damp paper towel, but it...
  18. goodmanfarm

    is it important to remove infertile eggs

    update: i removed the egg. i got a better candling flashlight and decided the egg was infertile. thanks for the help!
  19. goodmanfarm

    no idea what breeds these eggs are

    the eggs currently in our incubator we got from a local farm who said she had no idea what breed they would be! we’ve never hatched green or blue eggs. does anyone know what breeds we could be getting?
  20. goodmanfarm

    is candling bad for the embryo??

    i candled all my eggs on day 8 with a homemade candler and couldn’t really see anything, so we got a good candler on day 9 and did it again. On day 10 i candled a few that we weren’t sure of with the bad light again, and removed the ones that weren’t growing. but my dad just candled them AGAIN...
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