

Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black and
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Black Star and Red Star are trade names used for hybrids of two other recognized breeds, not itself an APA recognized breed. They are one of many hybrids more commonly called Red Sex-Linked or Black Sex-links.

Typically a red male chicken breed is crossed with a white or barred female to breed them.

Crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Delaware female makes a Red Star. By crossing a Rhode Island Red male and a Barred Plymouth Rock female, a Black Star is created.

Latest reviews

Terrible Breed!!!
Pros: NOTHING!!!
Cons: Die at 1 year old
Start laying soon but die
Prone to health problems
Practically factory made!
I am really NOT impressed with the ISA Brown chickens or any related forum of them.
Wouldn't Buy Again
Pros: Solid layers the first year
Cons: Aggressive to flock mates, have issues laying after year 2, health problems
The Red Stars are my least favorite breed that I currently have. Sure, they laid great their first two years. However, I have one that continuously lays a soft egg and no amount of calcium or calcium pills have helped. I'm seriously considering culling her, due to her bullying nature. They are incredibly aggressive to other members of the flock. The high rate of egg production is just not worth the amount of issues that they have.
Purchase Date
Feb 2020
The star of the show
Pros: Sweet
good layers
good 4 kids
Cons: Not always nice 2 hens
molts a lot
Ruby, our hen is adorbs! we love her a lot. She clucks and squacks a lot. Pretty loud.


I have to agree...I have 3 Red Stars, Princess (who lives up to her name, should've called her Queenie), Coconut, and Brownie. They are fantastic, consistent layers of HUGE eggs!!! They have not taken a day off since they started laying. Who would have thought that such big eggs could come from such relatively small girls! They are sweet and friendly as well, do not mind being picked up, they flock to me and eat right out of my hand. Princess can be a bit bossy especially when it comes to food, sometimes chasing my RIR off with a light peck on the head. But in general I agree with most of the reviews, a great "starter" chicken and I think that they are beautiful in their own way. I wouldn't trade my Red Stars for anything!
We too have had similar experiences with our two red stars. Great producers of brown eggs, friendly personalities but not "lap" birds, quiet (especially compared to our RIR which are NOISY), and are Queens of the roost, though not mean to other birds. They just don't take any crap, if you will :) They also forage well (better then our RIR) and will go out more than others on drizzly days.
I would love to purchase a Black Star pullet but can't find any anywhere ~ any suggestions
Did not see the OP stating they purchased sex links. they where promised 99percent chance pullets. Looks as tho they got straight run and not sex links or pullets.
I have one that is 3 years old ...Budge - She is my favorite too! Some do live longer than that so dont give up hope ..she may live longer ....than you expect
I have 7 chickens, all born May 1st. TODAY I got my my first egg ... you got it, from that beauty of a Golden Comet! She really is the greatest! She and one RIR will follow me everywhere, and love being petted. I have one (one died) Barred Rock, 3 RIR's, and three Golden Comets. One of them is almost pure White! They free range all day, come when I call, and like clock-work, pre-roost in the run an hour before sunset, then up the plank they go. Laugh if you must, but I think they should be allowed as "Service Animals" for their contribution to my mental health!
Sorry that your hen disappeared I know how you feel. I hope to catch the critter that's been catching mine tonight. I hope you have better luck with your next one.
Here is my review on redstars.
Pros:Beautiful, Friendly, PROLIFIC LAYERS.(they died before I could show them.)
Cons:None, but mine died young
Here is mine on black stars.
Pros: pretty, sweet, pretty good layers, good for showing
Cons: Extremely aggressive to sick birds, mean to new birds.
Black stars are definitely not as good layers, but both are friendly.
I concur 100%. I'm so frustrated with mine and she's such a bully! Sweet and docile to me, and she's not high up in her pecking order, but if you're below her, watch out poor hens.
I have one like that ...she is 3 1/2 years old ...I dont think she is still laying ..
But she is like yours ...in my business ...esp if I am digging ......I love her Affectionately called Budge
Can anyone tell me if they've ordered from Cackle Hatchery, especially any Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets, Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, or Easter Eggers? I got a batch of Black Australorps from Chickens from Backyards (which has great service) that are extremely skidish and unfriendly. Also, if I get any new breeds again, I want to try to make sure that are somewhat friendly, fairly docile and/or at least will fit well in a mixed flock without much aggression (allowing for a normal pecking order of course) and be easy to handle.
Can anyone tell me if they've ordered from Cackle Hatchery, especially any Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets, Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, or Easter Eggers? I got a batch of Black Australorps from Chickens from Backyards (which has great service) that are extremely skidish and unfriendly. Also, if I get any new breeds again, I want to try to make sure that are somewhat friendly, fairly docile and/or at least will fit well in a mixed flock without much aggression (allowing for a normal pecking order of course) and be easy to handle.
I ordered from crackle and have nothing but good things to say about them so far.
i love my Red Stars!! They are the best layers and very friendly! My one Red Star lays double yolkers almost everytime and very early in the morning! I have 3 and they are all followers..when i have a bucket of scratch, they all come running for a snack, lol!
Can anyone tell me if they've ordered from Cackle Hatchery, especially any Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets, Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, or Easter Eggers? I got a batch of Black Australorps from Chickens from Backyards (which has great service) that are extremely skidish and unfriendly. Also, if I get any new breeds again, I want to try to make sure that are somewhat friendly, fairly docile and/or at least will fit well in a mixed flock without much aggression (allowing for a normal pecking order of course) and be easy to handle.
i ordered all mine from Mc Murray Hatchery in Iowa...great service and all the chick arrived in PA healthy and happy! They have all turned out to be great chickens and layers!! LOve them all!!

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Chicken Breeds
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4.36 star(s) 160 ratings

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