
New Hampshire

The New Hampshire were developed from the Rhode Island Red around 1915 in New Hampshire....
Pros: big, good egg layers, friendly
My NHR is very friendly, and she is the biggest chicken we've got! She also lays light brown eggs, which lately I've been getting huge double-yolkers from her!
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Three weeks ago I bought two white chicks and when I got them I was really tired, so I didn't remember what the feed store said they were. When I went back to ask them, they said they thought that the white ones in that particular shipment were New Hampshires, so I'm going by that.
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I only owned two of these girls in my previous flock of 15 before the flood hit us in 2008 and they all got sick, but they were the hens who would greet me at the fence and let my rub their heads. I could talk to them and they would cluck back as if they were joining in. They are by far the sweetest hens to own and I look forward to the day when I can get another pair. They laid decent sized brown eggs at an equally decent amount.
Pros: Friendly, smart, docile
Cons: Can be noisy
I had a New Hampshire hen for a few years and she was one of my favorite breeds. After losing her recently I got a baby chick in this breed. Good laying hen. Light brown medium size eggs. Nice bird.
Pros: cute
Cons: none so far
I have only had these guys/gals for about 24 hours...so not much to say so far. They are only about 2 week old chicks as of right now.
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I have two hens of these and they are my most trusty egg layers. A truly beautiful chicken. Highly recommended.
Pros: excellent flock guadian, large/heavy frame, gentle with hens, good with people (adults), predominantly morning crower, gorgeous
Cons: aggressive towards/easily aggravated by children
For being a horomonal cockerel, our fellow has been an excellent flock addition who quickly took up his roll as flock protector. He's fearless when it comes to a threat to his flock, even when it's a dog that's easily 4X his size.

While he's large (and likely to get a bit bigger yet), he's gentle with his five hens, almost never chasing them or pinning them to get "his way". Unless aggravated, he crows approximately 12-24 per hour starting one hour before dawn and ending mid-morning.

He's aggressive towards children, which is why he was re-homed with us out of his original flock. He does not do well with loud, fast-moving object under 3.5-4 feet tall. Even when in the run, if he sees (and especially if he hears) the voices of children yelling/screaming while playing outdoors, he will strut, flap, and crow continuously until they stop.
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Pros: friendly and resilient
Cons: can be aggro to other breeds
Great company for my dog and he inturn looks after them from cats and foxes. My four year old boy loves
finding the eggs and never fails to say Thank you chickys when he takes the eggs.
have a hard time keeponmg feathers on them??
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Pros: reliable laye
Cons: likes to peck others
Our girl is friendly and very easy to handle, but definitely likes to go about her business according to her personal routine (and she definitely has one!) She likes to peck others when they interfere with what she is doing (whether it's another hen or a roo).
Pros: Good layers
Cons: none
I absolutely love the NH. Right from when we got them as chicks they were curious, friendly and energetic! We had more laughs watching them grow up
They do well in my large flock and seem to be good with other hens chicks.I have had no pecking issues with them or any health problems.My NH girls lay almost every day at 2 years old.
They are a lot of fun, I highly recommend this breed !!
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Pros: none yet
Cons: none yet
This is my first time with this German line New Hampshire. I can say that as chicks they are sure lively and good eaters. lol I have 10 chicks right now and 16 eggs in incubator. One thing I can say for sure is that the parent birds of my chicks are absolutely stunning to look at.
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Pros: fast growing, dossile
Cons: skitish
Getting their first feathers faster then my other breeds. However they are very scared of being handled so far.
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Pros: Loving, Curious, Easy going, Great egg layer, bares confinement well, does well in all weather
I ADORE my New Hampshire. She is one of our sweetest chickens. She runs up to you when you walk outside and follows you around. Plus, she is gorgeous.
Pros: Get along well with frank the rooster
Cons: she is faster than frank
she is very hyper active. never stops to rest
Pros: Great layers, big brown eggs, friendly
Cons: curious
My birds provide us with large, beautiful, brown eggs. Although we don't carry them around like pets, they are very friendly. They all get along well with each other and are pretty quiet except when announcing the arrival of a new egg.
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Pros: Lays ALOT, Pretty, Curious, Brave.
Cons: Curious, Brave.
This breed is, as far as i've seen, docile.
They are great layers, and I don't think there has been a period in time since a couple weeks after they started laying that they have stopped.

My girls (I have no roos of this breed) are extremely curious, and brave. (I wonder what the roos are like....)
In fact, I put a bucket nest box in the coop a couple days ago, and out of all of my chickens, these 3 girls were the first (and only until the next day when they needed to lay....) to investigate and go into it. (This is their first bucket nest box!!)
I only have three girls of this breed, but I wish I could have more.
I only hope that curiosity dosn't kill the chicken....
Pros: Good egg production, good in cold weather, pretty.
Cons: Can be skittish, hard to tame.
One night I found that an extra hen had gone to bed with my chooks. I asked around a bit, and no one knew who owned her. There is a forest near me where(sadly) unwanted chickens are left, and I just expected she came from there.
So I kept the big red hen. She is at the bottom of the pecking order, and is very kind to the other hens, though they bully her. I think she is around 4 years, and she lays almost daily.
It has taken me a while to trame her, but now that she is tame she will hop up onto my lap when I sit down outside.
Though she wouldn't be considered a 'show bird', she is still beautiful.
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Pros: Friendly; easy to handle; great egg layer; good feed/weight ratio; beautiful feathering; bares confinement well; good all climate bird
Cons: can be skittish; doesn't like to be handled too much; not the broody type; tends to pick on the babies
My NHR pullet is a sweet girl. She's friendly yet a bit skittish but will eat from your hand. Not that easy to catch for health assessments. She has beautiful plumage when she's not molting or being mated constantly (she's one of the roos' favorites). She bares confinement well but loves to be out in the fresh air scratching around for bugs and worms to munch on. She lays large dark brown eggs on a regular basis. She gets along well with the rest of the flock and keeps the younger ones in line. She's a beautiful bird and an essential part of our flock!
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Pros: Super Friendly and wonderful egg layer
I got 2 of these wonderful girls with my Brown Egg Layers special from Murray McMurray. I have one that is jump in my lap friendly. I didn't want to name any of my chickens but I had no choice but to name her. Girly is wonderful on top of that she lay beautiful light brown eggs. Their red color is also a wonderful addition to my flock.
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