

Leghorn, Italy (hence the name of the bird) had its own native common chicken for hundreds of...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Flighty, Bears confinement well, Noisy, Shy
Breed Colors/Varieties
White, light brown, dark brown, black, blue, buff, Columbian, buff Columbian, barred, exchequer and silver
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Leghorn appears to derive from light breeds originating in rural Tuscany, though the origins are not clear. The name Leghorn was derived from Livorno, the Tuscan port from which the first birds were exported to North America. The date of the first exports is variously reported as 1828, "about 1830" and 1852. They were initially known as "Italians" and they were first referred to as "Leghorns" in 1865.

The Leghorn was included in the APA's Standard of Perfection in 1874, with three colours: black, white and brown (light and dark). Rose comb light and dark brown were added in 1883, and rose comb white in 1886. Single comb buff and silver followed in 1894, and red, black-tailed red, and Columbian in 1929. In 1981 rose comb black, buff, silver, and golden duckwing were also added.

The breed was first introduced to Britain from the United States in 1870, and from there re-exported to Italy. White Leghorns that had won first prize at the 1868 New York show were imported to Britain in 1870, and brown Leghorns from 1872. Pyle Leghorns were first bred in Britain in the 1880s; gold and silver duckwings originated there a few years later, from crosses with Phoenix or Japanese Yokohama birds. Buff Leghorns were first seen in Denmark in 1885, and in England in 1888.

A flighty breed, the Leghorn are popular today for their great egg production and also for exhibition.

Leghorn eggs

Leghorn chick

Leghorn juveniles

Leghorn hen

Leghorn rooster

For more info on Leghorns and their owners' and breeders' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

Great meat and egg birds
Pros: Lots of large, white eggs
Cute little hens
Loud(er) crows
Great climate tolerance
We love the colors
Cons: Loud(er) crows
LOTS of clucking
Good breed, great for meat and eggs. The hens are what you think of when you think of hens. The combs are a nice touch as well. They do pretty well with other breeds.

Very good review, good job on that!
Pros: Amazing layers, 'standard chicken' look
Cons: Highly aggressive, unable to be handled, skittish, loud
Oh, boy, are these guys a lot to handle! I have three (used to be four) leghorns, and they are absolute jerks! They pick on the other birds, scream to no end (yes, they're all pullets), and I cannot get near them for anything! I wouldn't recommend these birds if you like having an intimate relationship with every single bird you own (like me). Only get them if you're looking solely for egg laying, and not looks, personality or style.
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Mine were skittish at first but i kept them in a walk in brooder where i could he with them. Now the run to greet me. They are calm and so kind. Maybe I got a good batch from Hoovers Hatchery.
Wacky Workshop
Wacky Workshop
Yeah, perhaps. I've gotten more leghorns since then, and these ones are actually pretty nice! They're still a little skittish, but not aggressive at all. ^.^
Pros: Good layers.
Cons: Not at all friendly, flighty, extremely aggressive to other chickens.
They are good layers but not good pets. Very flighty and shy. Mine wouldn't stop picking on each other. They had a very strict pecking order and sometimes killed each other because of it.
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I just got my first Black Leghorn Bantam 4 wks ago. She is around 6-7 mths old. She is very friendly curious and lets me pick her up. I have a White Leghorn Bantam and she is the same way, 2 yrs old, very friendly. Your three are probably "clicky" because they are all the same age, they will come around, just be patient. I love mine, wouldn't trade them for anything! Also, good egg layers.
Thank you I will, I'll have to take your word about them being good egg layers - for now....I have a feeling I will be getting eggs very soon ;0)
I have 2 white and 2 brown leghorns. My white leghorns are great, good and friendly. The problem lies with the browns. Actually just one of the browns is skittish but the other seems to follow it's lead. They are great layers but have started slowing down now due to shorter days and molting. I was at 4 eggs a day now down to 1 or 2 until done molting and days get longer. It doesn't take long to get really into raising these girls once you have them.
I was actually wanting a couple of brown leghorns, but I got the California Whites because they didn't have anymore of the brown ones. The browns are so pretty. I expected most of my flock to be molting this time too (and they are), which is why I got the leghorns to give me some eggs while the others take a break :)
We are doing some research about what types of chickens to get, and Leghorns are on that list. Looks like you are having fun with yours, we are looking for good egg producers and personality too.
That sounds like a really awesome chicken, in fact i was just admiring the leghorn i saw at the local feed store today!!
My leghorns lay everyday and are extremely friendly. Cons for me were flightiness and the white coloring in a free range flock - I've lost 2 to predators.
That's true, she is very easy to spot in the yard. (I live in an old subdivision with covenants but my neighbors don't mind my chickens. In fact they complain about the dogs) My dogs (2 dobermans) protect them, but I'm only on a fenced 1/3 acre... just from my observation, my leghorn always stands watch. Before the flock goes into a bush, she goes in first. (usually her and sometimes the head honcho, a black star). When my black star was attacked by an owl (she's taken the role of a rooster), my leghorn sounded the alarm before anyone else!
I have a leghorn. She is flighty & doesn't lay as many eggs as my sexlinks & RIR's. I won't get another one.
Not in my experience they are. Actually, my two Leghorn hens are very tame and follow me around. I give you a thumbs-up, rissamdc! :)
I have two Leghorns one white and one brown. My white Leg (Pearl) is a little on the pecky side and has rendered herself secluded because of this. I want to reintroduce her to the flock and have tried several times. Seems if I am present and call her name when she goes to peck she will stop and behave.....but as soon as I leave her unattended with the rest of the girls.....she quickly forgets her manners and is back in the "Sin Bin". She is a very sweet girl with LOTS of personality so I hate to think of having to "turn her into dinner" as my boyfriend keeps recommending.....HELP :)
I have loved every single leghorn I've had. They are very friendly. I have a small flock..back yard chickens..:) and I usually only have one girl at a time. Right there when I lean down to visit with the girls, I do clip the wings a bit on them because of the reasons you mentioned. I have to say, every time I have a leghorn in my little flock, they are one of my favorites, and I have a few different breeds for fun. No problem with being bossy to the others at all.
That's disgusting! How can you "stew" them? They serve you then you just kill them and eat them? What the hell is wrong with you?
My white Leghorn, "Beatrice" is very sweet with me but extreeeeemely bossy with my other birds and can only be kept with the 2 other hens she was with when I got her. Because of her tremendous size (she's HUGE) and fear that she could kill one of my other hens if left to her own devices, I have to keep those three segrogated from my other hens. I think it depends more on the individual then the breed.

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Chicken Breeds
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4.12 star(s) 190 ratings

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