
Lavender Orpington Bantam

To Pet Chicken look no further like the Orpington breed like Bantams and light purple well...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
White-Light Gray
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Breed Size
Other Comb Clean Leg
To Pet Chicken look no further like the Orpington breed like Bantams and light purple well Lavender Orpington Bantam

Latest reviews

Pros: Beautiful color, nice for show, friendly and will sleep on you with enough trust
Cons: Can be Ski-dish, higher percentage for getting sick, low egg prodution
We have two and they are lovely ladies not bantam though. One of them is ski-dish but other wise they are awesome!!!
This article was informational for me cause i needed to know this stuff for fair! I think it will be informational for lots of others to!
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Pros: Like to be pet and fed gently
Cons: Skittish depending on personality
I have 3 right now and love them very much. 2 started laying recently and the 3rd can't lay because he's a rooster 20190920_113915.jpg 20190926_112026.jpg
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Early April
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Pros: Good Shepards
Cons: Carry a Big Stick because they might et you
Mine are not bantams

I have 3 of these roosters and the reason I keep all three is because 2 of them are wonderful for taking care of the hens. When they sense danger they round the hens up and bring them to the pen or under the rose bush. They know when a hen is missing and round her up. Two or three times when a hen was not inside the pen I told either Bad Foot or Bad Boy to go out and get the missing hen. Away they went and very shortly came back with the hen. I do not trust Bad Boy at all. Bad Foot who got his bad foot by fighting with Bad Boy I trust somewhat and he really pays attention when I talk. The 3rd Naughtiness is half blind and he has my heart.

I have 5 blue Orphinton hens. Three are blue and unfriendly One is black and unfriendly. In fact I think they killed 1 of my Australorp hens and tried to kill the 2nd one more than once. And then there is the white/splash one. She is special and her name is Houdini. She has always been an escape artist and one day I caught her teaching the others how to get out a very small hole way up in a nest box. She was on the outside and the others were lined up waiting to jump through the small opening to the outside. I can pick her up and when she wants into the pen she will come find me.

All of the Orpintons are very smart and respond to several English words like food or go to bed or get inside and one Spanish word. When I say it they race for the pen. Ándale! ¡Ándale!

If every Orpinton could be like Houdini then that is the only breed for me. However 1 out of 8 is not good odds and I hope for biddies from Houdini but I will not buy any more of this breed.


Great story! Thanks for sharing your experiences with the breed. So far I have been very happy with my Orpingtons; mine are all very friendly. I mostly have bantam Orps though.
Glad you are happy with your hens.

They are really pretty and Houdini gets along with all the hens but one of her sisters started messing with her and another side of her came out. Wow she kicked *** and took names and the Mean hen cried uncle and ran. lol.

Her sister hens have a hatred for the 2 Astralorpe . Millie their hatch mother was the first to die. Then I caught them twice trying to smother Sheba by pilling on her and keeping her pinned down. I was halfway into their coop slinging hens out by their tails to save Sheba. The only thing I can think of is those hens are jealous because the 3 roosters used to line up to "befriend" those other 2 hens. : )
What a bummer that yours are so aggressive. Where did you get them from? I had a couple of aggressive hens like that before but they were a different breed.
I am in the north bay...out by Jenner...any idea where i might score some bantam Orps? even hatching eggs would be great....
What pretty birds. I love the look of all Orpingtons-big and fluffy, but in a lavender color they’re gorgeous!

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
The Bantam Guy
Last update
3.83 star(s) 6 ratings

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