

The Java is a critically endangered American breed. The breed comes from unknown Asian origins...
Pros: Friendly. Will greet u at the door to get picked up. Loves to chill on your lap and get pet.
Cons: Slow growing. Medium sized
Pros: Nice disposition, quiet birds
Cons: Haven't found any cons yet
For the same effort of keeping chickens, I wanted to make a difference with an endangered variety. Mottled Javas are my first chickens and I love them already. They are calm and beautiful.
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March 6, 2018
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Pros: Docile, easy to catch, good layer, large eggs, good brooder
Cons: Couldn't be dissuaded from brooding when she wanted to do it!
We bought our Mottled Java (Goose, because she has a long neck and squawks like one) as an adult hen, and she's been a great flock addition! A good layer and a very good mother after she went broody. Her kids are 6 weeks old now and she started laying again, but she still lets them hang out with her when they want and they continue to roost together.

She also was persistent (and very docile) in making friends with our Dominique alpha (Lady Cluck) who lost her own broodmates and wasn't keen on meeting new chickens at first. But she came around.

(Goose, right, with her chicks, just learning to roost. At left are the two mix breed pullets (left to right, Sparra and Slush (who isn't loving having a chick on her back)) who we got at the same time as her.)
Pros: Large, rare, handsome
Cons: Kind of stupid, slow, susceptible to predators
I've had black Javas several times but I'm not going to try them again because they do not survive in my free-range environment. You'd think they'd do well because they're so dark, but somehow I've had 100% death with them. The black Australorpes, on the other hand, are good survivors.
Pros: sweet,friendly,calm,pretty good layers, mottled variety is very unique
Cons: don't have any yet!
Java are one of my favorite breeds of chickens according to egg-laying and temperament.
Pros: Productive, Eggs, Meat, Active Forager
Cons: Hard to Find
Java's are incredible and unmatched in production and flavor. They don't hang out at the feeder, they are very active foragers in a majestic sort of way. They provide year round, nice size brown eggs and a well fleshed carcass that is very flavorful. Some are great broodies too. Look NO further!
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Pros: fantastic foragers, intelligent, beautiful
Cons: lots of breeding needed to better this breed
I have mottled javas which are a bit more popular than the blacks, but I love love LOVE them. They find almost all the food for themselves, learn very easily (get into trouble a lot :)), and I think their beautiful black beetle green sheen is gorgeous in the light, especially with the white tips. They are plenty meaty, and are dependable layers as well.
I think they are the perfect homestead chickens!
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Pros: easy to care for, roos are protective, docile, consistent layers year around
Cons: hard to find good stock
I've had Black Javas for 4 years and they have been a great project for the whole family. They are ok egg layers, but not great for meat (about 3.5 lb at 20 weeks) but that is just fine with me. with careful breading I am finally getting good results SOP with very few Pinched tails this year.
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Pros: Active, hardy, good layer, good sized, not aggressive to people so far
Cons: Medium egg size, good examples hard to find
I've had Black Javas for about 14 months. I like their activeness. They are angular and larger sized, giving a very athletic appearance. The cockerels have not been aggressive towards me at eight to ten months old. Both sexes shy away from contact. They are from two different lines. I think they are beautiful, but most people are not so fond of black birds. (One hen even has dark comb and wattles.) When visitors see them they don't have much wow factor.My first pullet laid at four months and two weeks, with others following shortly. They are hardy, love to hustle their own food, and seem to fit the character of heritage fowl. The cockerels are about average with regard to crowing. The hens are fairly quiet.
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Pros: looks beautiful
Cons: none
These birds are so sweet and the mottled is very striking slow to mature but gets along with the other birds
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Pros: Lay almost all year long, great producer
Cons: Chicken math ;)
Javas are nice hardy large fowl that produce eggs almost the entire year. I think that there may have been a couple of weeks in the winter that they didn't lay, as compared to some of my other breeds that stopped laying for a couple of months through the winter. As with most birds, they are more tame if handled more. I like the variety of colors in the breed, though I prefer to keep them separated. Unfortunately, I can't let them free range, but we have them pastured, with movable pens; they will be integrated into our attempt at a semi-permaculture rotational gardening system.
Pros: Great forager, docile roo, hens lay consistently, good growth
Cons: Take a long time to grow to full size and begin laying
I received our chicks from Garfield Farm Museum, LaFox, IL.

Every spring, the museum has a Rare Breed Show and Sale where all sorts of rare breeds are shown, some bring rabbits, goats, ducks, chickens to sell - others are there to show a rare breed, cows, horses, sheep - there is something there for everyone! This is a great family event with the museum showcasing several activities for families to participate in.

I specifically chose this breed to purchase and to establish a breeding flock. Our black Java's are thriving - despite the winter weather, I'm averaging 16 eggs a week from 5 hens. Our rooster, "Roaster" is noisy - protective of his girls, his turf - from everything from the barnyard squirrels to the wind! Their run overlooks the driveway, so we say we have an 'alarm rooster', as he crows his head off when someone comes down the drive!

These are LARGE birds. Took a long time to grow to full size (well over 24wks). They started laying about 27weeks. I'm not sure exactly when the rooster got to be full size - I'd like to say it was AFTER the hens started laying.

But they've not stopped laying! No supplemental light. Hardy. Fully feathered to protect against wind and cold. Heat did not stop them in the summertime. Being black feathered, I was concerned about heatstroke - they did great! Also, being black feathered, they are able to hide from our local hawk population better than the white Java.
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Pros: beautiful, rare
Hopefully in 3 weeks I have 2 of these!!
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Pros: Big eggs, gentle hens & cock birds are very protective but people friendly
Cons: none that I have ever seen
These are absolutely gorgeous birds, true to their heritage and healthy where I have found other "new" breeds not as healthy.
The Java is an outstanding layer in all weather, and are beautiful shimmering beetle/green/purple black birds.
They are thoughtful, and intelligent, and love free range above housed feed.
Give them free range and they are very happy.
Coop locked up for a 6 day blizzard and they are also fine, not resorting to feather picking or other negative issues.
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Pros: Goog Layers, very nice looking
Cons: none
Loved these mustard footed birds. I was working on Auburn birds....very ice looking birds. Striking!
Loved them.
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Pros: Gentle hens
Cons: Fiesty Roosters
Being a critical breed they have some work to improve them overall, in regards to the Standard Of Perfection.
Not alot of disversity in the gene pool, making good decisions during breeding important overall for the improvement toward the SOP.

Very gentle hens that love to sing all day long.

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