
Golden Sex Link

Imported originally from the Netherlands, this strain is used in over 60 countries worldwide....

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Size
Large Fowl

Imported originally from the Netherlands, this strain was created by crossing a Rhode Island Red hen with a Rhode Island Red rooster. Capable of laying over 300 strong shelled eggs per year, the Golden Sex Link, also known as the Bovan Brown, is a very hearty bird that can withstand cold temperatures. When hatched, the males are a creamy white with the females colored in shades of red.

Golden sex link chick

Golden sex link hen

For more information on this strain, see the discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/what-are-golden-sex-links.1188773/

Latest reviews

Pros: super sweet, very curious, friendly, inquisitive
Cons: poor health, huge eggs at first, but didn't lay for long, don't live long
I had two, loved them, SOOO sweet, unfortunately they didn't live very long due to poor health. R.I.P Ginger and Nutmeg.
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Reactions: Sleigh
Pros: great mothers
fantastic egg layers
Cons: Aggressive when broody
my Profile picture is a great example of the colors of the hens, they are great egg layers and possibly the best mothers we've had.
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Reactions: berryncherry
Pros: Very fast growing, love being held/pet
Cons: Slender frame ( not very meaty)
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Our sex links also eat like pigs. I think it's a trait of the breed. So long as it doesn't get stuck she should be fine... though your wallet might take a hit! I agree with everything you've posted. Hope she's a good layer like ours!
I have to agree, We got one by chance, never been handled much and almost 1 y. We call her the PITA chicken because you cant do anything without her in the way or flying up to your shoulder. We love love love this gal.
Can anyone tell me if they've ordered from Cackle Hatchery, especially any Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets, Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, or Easter Eggers? I got a batch of Black Australorps from Chickens from Backyards (which has great service) that are extremely skidish and unfriendly. Also, if I get any new breeds again, I want to try to make sure that are somewhat friendly, fairly docile and/or at least will fit well in a mixed flock without much aggression (allowing for a normal pecking order of course) and be easy to handle.
I have 1 Golden Comet I got as a chick in April 2017. She has turned out to be one of my favorites. She is friendly, does well with other birds, and lays well so far (just started recently). I can't figure out if hers is the super dark egg though or the barred rocks (or maybe the young Easter Eggers...but don't think that one lays yet). I have one Marans but she is older and lays bigger, lighter, eggs...so it's not her. Any ideas?
We have a Golden Sex Link named Apple-Crisp, She is very friendly, and is always the first one to run up the steps to the back door. She lays a peanut butter colored egg.
I have 1 Golden Comet I got as a chick in April 2017. She has turned out to be one of my favorites. She is friendly, does well with other birds, and lays well so far (just started recently). I can't figure out if hers is the super dark egg though or the barred rocks (or maybe the young Easter Eggers...but don't think that one lays yet). I have one Marans but she is older and lays bigger, lighter, eggs...so it's not her. Any ideas?
Our Golden Sex Link lays a peanut butter colored egg, sometimes it has speckles on it but usually it is just the color of peanut butter. my Barred Rock lays a chalky, light beige egg that is usually covered in speckles of calcium. Our Barred Rock's egg is also a bit bigger than our Golden Sex Link's egg even though they are basically the same age. I hope that this helps you figure out which egg is from your Golden Sex Link.
I know this is a really old thread, but how do you get a GSL from a RI red hen RI and red rooster? Wouldn't you get RI offspring.

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