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Shop around on Google for the best price. I paid $80 after using Kohl’s Cash
[reposting from a forum thread I created at the suggestion of another member :)]


I have to tell you about my purchase. I have 7 ducklings in the brooder. Ducks are messy, I know... I clean their brooder at least two times a day. I bathe them as well. But, oh my god... the smell... it was still insane.

So, I Googled the bejesus out of how to fix this. Pages into Google search later (and maybe a glass of wine or two...) I found an air purifier that was highly rated by someone with a “cat sanctuary”. I still have no idea how many litter boxes are included in a cat santuary but I can only imagine the smell would be on par with 7 beautiful little creatures who smell like the devil himself shat on them.

Anywho... I bought this air purifier. Ran it on high for an hour (it’s still going but on medium now)... and the smell is GONE.

It’s called the GermGuardian 3-in-1 and I can not recommend this enough for anyone raising chicks and, especially, ducklings. It’s a life & nose saver!

Happy hatching/raising, friends!


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Thank you for sharing your experience. I don’t like stink so I’m really going to check this out!
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I would have never thought to write a review on mine, so thanks for doing this. I have three of them, from before I had chickens. Over the summer when first got my chicks, they turned out to be invaluable. Really minimized the dust and the odor. You have to stay on top of replacing the carbon part of the filter though, that is the part of the filter that takes neutralized the smell.


"7 beautiful little creatures who smell like the devil himself shat on them." I laughed so hard when I read this line.
I am brooding 45 quail right now. Their brooder is in my heated sun room. I have them on pine shavings and have to just add some more each day as I really don't have the time to clean the brooder every day. We clean every 3-4 days. Yesterday was 3 days since the last cleaning, with fresh bedding layered on each day. Their was quite a stench in there. I cleaned it right away, but an air purifier like this certainly would help.
"7 beautiful little creatures who smell like the devil himself shat on them." I laughed so hard when I read this line.
I am brooding 45 quail right now. Their brooder is in my heated sun room. I have them on pine shavings and have to just add some more each day as I really don't have the time to clean the brooder every day. We clean every 3-4 days. Yesterday was 3 days since the last cleaning, with fresh bedding layered on each day. Their was quite a stench in there. I cleaned it right away, but an air purifier like this certainly would help.
I feel for you! Baby bird poop is rancid! But glad you share my humor and that it gave you a good laugh! :)

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