
Nite Guard Predator Control Light

Nite Guard Solar NG-001 Predator Control Light, Single Pack

Latest reviews

Pros: Deters night time predators, bob cats and coyotes.
Cons: Of course it doesn't work during the day...
For 3 years, I have been using Predator eyes on two pens that are located next to a gully, which I later found out, serves as an animal freeway! Coyotes and bob cats routinely travel the route. Since I put up the Nite Guard Predator Eyes, there have been no problems with them attempting entry into either pen. However, day time is another issue...but, all the chickens are locked up in their coops at night, all windows are covered with hardware cloth and bolted on, and the coop is surrounded by dig proof pens.

With all these measures it is still stressful for the chickens when they sense a predator outside. So Nite Guard Predator Lights/eyes are another good thing to add to the arsenal!
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We already had a great horned owl problem. He visited regularly and knew what chicken tasted like. We than bought 4 of this product. It was properly installed. The owl still came 2 more times and killed two chickens. It did not work for us, but we already had a prior problem. We gave up and bought a guardian livestock dog.
Pros: it actually keeps predators away at night
Cons: price
We LOVE this! It still works, and it is 3 years old. The coop has never had problems with night thieves, where they can see it.
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I wish they had worked for me. I purchased 7, placed them high and low and in between. The fox and raccoons still kidnapped my chickens and ducks. Now I have 2 great Pyrenees and the predators NEVER come around.
But I forgot to mention, they do look like security lights, as you say, and the human predators will think twice before trying to break into our barn or house.
Hi Jeri:

I'm so sorry they didn't work. That's a huge disappointment, for sure. I'm sure your dogs do the job very, very well. No question. Wonder why they work for some and not others. Curious. Glad your chickens and ducks are safe now.
I have used solar light around our pen and coop. I put two together at each corner. I havn't had any break ins, but its kind of hard to get through the metal of a dog pen with cattle panels on top!! I buy the cheapest lights, 97 cents each and they last as long and sometimes longer than the fancier ones.
Hi Dawna: Sounds like you have an excellent set up.

Hey, bottom line is that your chickens..and all pets, are safe. That's what matters and whatever you do to make it happen, that is what counts in the end.
Yes Gramma Chick, It did help. We haven't lost another chicken to the owl after we bought our great pyrenees.
Still, you should have shot the coons that were seen. That is the BEST dead predator at a time. My dogs do the job for me.
We also installed these all around our coops. We have no other predators but the Great Horned Owl is not deterred by these at all. Those stinkers fly to the ground and stalk our girls like crazy. We have lost at least 50 hens to the owls. We have an egg business, so have about 1000 hens.

We had wanted a completely open air mobile coop on pasture for our chickens but the GHOs have made that impossible. We had to install a mesh with an electrified tape around the whole coop. We thought that would be enough but the owls would scare the girls and force them out and under the mesh so they could get their free lunch. Finally after completely staking down the mesh on all sides were we able to save them.

So, while the predator control light may actually work on the other predators, it doesn't work on the owl who was the most serious for us. We also have a good guardian dog on our list!
We bought shiny twirly gigs at the party store here in town and I hung them from a few tree branches overhanging our chicken area-seems to confuse he predators' line of sight and we have had zero problems since putting them out two years ago. I bought new ones this year. Used CDs would probably work too. We do have Hawks in the area but they don't come around our c
Using these lights, I've had a great experience. I don't have owl problems, but they worked amazingly for a variety of predators and pests bothering my animals, orchard, garden, pond, and yard. They deter raccoons, deer, coyotes, opossums, foxes, bobcats, rabbits, and small birds eating seedlings. Anyway, they worked for me, not sure about others though...

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