
Barred Rock

Very tame nice breed that gives you big beautiful brown eggs. They aren't that loud and the...
Pros: sweet girls, along with the wyandotte!
Cons: none so far
to soon to say much they are fairly new
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Pros: Not loud, fun to watch
Cons: shy, skittish
We got three of them just before they started laying. They stick together, and we call them the three amigos.
Pros: friendly, excellent foragers
Cons: none what so ever!
I have 1 young pullet (13wks) and she is a big sweety, when i pick her up her just stands there and then settles down in my arms and usually has a little nap. I would strongly recommend these birds to anyone that wants a lap chicken
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Pros: Friendly, Good Egg Laying, Appealing, Entertaining
Cons: VERY Adventurous
I just received some male barred rocks from ideal poultry along with my shipment (for "warmth"), and they're great! They very nice, and like to jump around and be cute!
Except one of them is pooing green poop. But all around, they're great chickens and I believe everybody should have them in their backyard!
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Pros: beutiful, curious, friendly
Cons: large
great for laying
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Pros: Very friendly, large, faster growing
Cons: Not sure yet
These girls are the first to greet me at the door. They are talkative but not loud. I'm not sure about the egg production but I got them mainly because they are supposed to be cold hardy.
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Pros: Calm, Friendly, Sociable, Great backyard birds.
Cons: none so far
I received my BR chicks in the first week of April from my local feed store, which sources their chicks from Dunlap Hatchery in Caldwell Idaho. They were cute, inquisitive and quite active little balls of fuzz. Within a day or two most of them would run to my hand whenever I reached into the brooder for feed or water. A couple even got into the habit of jumping right into my hand.

It is now eight weeks later and four out of the five are still just as friendly and always come running whenever I approach the coop. The fifth is the smallest of the bunch and is only a little "peckish". When I reach out to pet her she'll always give me a single peck on the hand before she settles down to enjoy the stroking. I can't wait to see how well they lay, in a couple more months.

I would recommend Barred Rocks to anyone. I think they would be a great starter bird for children, or anyone who is new to chickens, as well as a good addition to any flock.
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Pros: Nice, Tame
Cons: Stubborn, broody
One of my Barred Rocks is the sweetest little thing...and the other is broody right now...so she isn't very nice. She has sort of lost her mind and has been bullying some of my other girls, but once I break her broody-ness, she will be a great chicken!
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gental bird
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Pros: Intelligent, curious, brave and sweet
Cons: not sure yet
I have 1 Barred Rock, and she is about 5-6 weeks old. From the very beginning, she was always the first to to come to hand when I offered food, and always looked concerned if you picked up a chick and it started making noise. I thought for a while that maybe she was a he, but I have to the conclusion that she is the biggest, and the leader of the pack
Pros: large brown eggs, frequently laid, kind, curious
Cons: loud egg song
My barred rock is the star layer of my coop. She lays large, heavy eggs and laid through the winter when no other hens did. She doesn't bully any of my other hens, even the bantams and polish hat hens. She's curious, she's the first to greet me, she eats from my hand. With so many good qualities it's literally hard to come up with a bad one! Every flock needs a great hen, so you need a barred rock!
Pros: Good layer, even tempered
Cons: A bit bossy
Big Mama, our nanny of the flock, is a bit bossy and a bit grabby "what you eating....whatever it is it's mine!" but she's a sweet girl. Always talks to me and always telling me what I'm doing wrong. Good layer - but boots the broody one off the nest as she insists on laying her egg there and then wandering off.
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Pros: Very ood layers
Mine is a good layer, she takes Wendsays off, no eggs on that day

She is the top hen in our coop, being her size she rule the roost. Gets
along with the Silkies and the Cochin. As long as they know there place.
Very sociable with people. Loves to eat.
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Pros: Great egg layers, always in a good mood, and very climate tolerant
Cons: A tad it broody
Great chickens
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