Reviews by Zootopia

Pros: Easy to clean, durable, easy to see water level
Cons: can be tough to get the lid off
I don't move mine much. I set them on a cinder block in the pen and fill it in place with the hose. It will get green if I forget the ACV too often. It is pretty easy to clean since you can get your whole arm in with a scrub brush and the pan comes off to clean too. The lid can be hard to get off, I barely tighten it and it still sticks. I would not want to move any large waterer around after I filled it. I like that it is easy to see the water level, we have to fill them every other day in the summer anyway but it will last nearly a week in the winter.
They are easy to move when they are empty, Lol
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Pros: Cheap
Cons: hot spots, cold spots, doesn't hold humidity well. Takes too long to recover temp if you lift the lid
Lucky mine was borrowed. I sure wouldn't buy one. The owner warned me it takes a lot of practice and alot of attention. Rotating the eggs around the bator so they get equal time in the hot and cold spots. Very colse watch of humidity, etc No still air for me!
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