Reviews by The Chickens' Maid

Pros: funny, entertaining, good layer
Cons: skittish, talkative, energetic, flyer
We have a Golden Campine hen who is the comedy relief in our coop. She has always been skittish around the other hens and around us. She loves to talk, talk, talk, and talk some more. She allows us to hold her, and she's not extremely averse to attention. However, she would much rather not be held or caught, and she is very fast and can fly more than most of the other chickens. She was a good layer; she's starting to slack off now that she's reaching 5 or 6 years. I would definitely get this breed again, they are hilarious to sit in the coop and watch.
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Pros: beautiful feathering, big boned chicken, really nice temperament
Cons: skittish
We have an Ameraucana rooster who is the sweetest guy. He's a gentle giant, and he likes attention. He's a little skittish and doesn't like being caught; he'll run from us regularly. However, he relaxes right away when we do catch him. He keeps order in the coop really well. We have two other roosters who live in the same flock (12 chickens total), and he gets along with them really well. He goes out to the run to herd his girls in when it gets dark, and he'll break up hen fights and rooster scuffles. I had heard that Ameraucana roosters can be mean, but ours is a teddy bear.
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