Reviews by Steadfast


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Pros: Beautiful Plumage, smart little thing.
Cons: cant think of any...

My sebright is still too young to lay eggs but she is coming along pretty well.
Look at her posing for the photo... "Just LOOK at Me... arn't I prurdy?"

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Pros: Large water capasity, can hold modified liquids.
Cons: heavy to haul, hard to unscrew, and slimy to the max.

Sure, it holds a lot of water... it does it's basic job just fine... And, It is tough...
(I know this to be true because I have thrown this thing across my yard several times in anger and it did not break.)

Also, to it's credit...
It is useful in the coldest of weather because it resists freezing and can hold hot water.
an it is useful for putting ice and poultry "Gatoraid" inside when the weather gets extreamly hot too..

but you have to haul that heavy thing around too!
The lid was so hard to remove, that I actually had a 2 foot long dowl rod perminantly placed next to my hose just to shove it into the handle to Screw off the lid while holding the bottle still with my knees!
Then there is the slime it produces as your chickens lick at it and kick stuff into it...
and the sloshing of that slime on you as you move it to refill it... yuk...

I became sick of dragging this thing around our yard,
and ended up devising and building a rain water fed, automatic chicken waterer.

Now this thing just sits in the shed collecting dust,
waiting for only the blazing hottest weather or freezing winter days to be used.
(that is the only reason I kept it)

When you too get sick of dragging this thing around,
here the link with the directios to make your own automatic chicken fountain:
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Pros: no more smelly water for my chicks and it works for a year for around $20
Cons: none yet...
Here is my watering system:


Here are some picture of how this thing fits in my watering system:

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Pros: Very to be held...
We own a pair of "Golden Neck Booted Bantems.
They are Both very social and very much like to be held.

Not a mean bone in their bodies... We just introduced them top the flock.
They seem to be taking to being in the Large Chicken flock pretty much in stride.

There names are Cream and Sugar...

A hand full of Sugar.

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Pros: very social, big into begging

I was given "Morning Tea" 1.5 years ago...
She was by FAR my favorite girl.
Super social. and very tame...
She produced many eggs...

Some how the eggs inside her got Broken and she became Very Sick, then the heat wave hit this summer and she went to ground... Last week, I put her down with my axe. A very sad day...

I simply MUST get another one!
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Pros: Lots of eggs
Cons: MEAN to any new girls
They make a fare amount of brown eggs,
but they sure are EXTRA MEAN to any new girls added to the flock..
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