Reviews by RosiePosey

Barred Rock

Pros: Great layer, easy keepers, larger sized.
Cons: Aggressive
We keep free-range chickens that just go in the coop at night so it's important to us to have a fairly protective rooster. Oreo is a fantastic protector of his ladies and treats them all well. He's fought off the neighbor's cat, a fox, and a hawk so far that we've seen. The downside to that is he sometimes thinks he needs to fight us off too! Somedays he's sweet and will eat out of your hand. The next day you round a corner or get out of the car and he's flapping up at you trying to get you with his spurs. The hens are aggressive with the other girls in our mixed flock too. The leghorns can hold their own but nobody else wants to be near them. They do lie a good sized egg consistently and for our purposes, they work. I probably wouldn't recommend this Roo for a more pet-type boy nor the hens for a mixed flock that is cooped as they may beat up the other girls.
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Same happens with us! They are great producers but they are mean hens. We had to move a couple hens to a different coop because they would bully, feather pluck, and wouldn't allow them to eat. This happened though after a mink attack where some hens died, and may have shifted the power dynamic.
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My hens are mean bullies too. Will probably never get more again...


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, quiet, great egg layer
Cons: None
I love my Australorp hens! They're beautiful and so soft. Both are friendly and don't mind attention. One of them likes to crawl into my husband's lap and snuggle regardless of what he's doing or if he's in the mood for chicken love. They get along well with everyone else in our mixed flock. I've never seen them pick on anyone else and nobody really picks on them. They're just the bff to everyone else. Oh, and eggs for days! They consistently lay an egg a day. We've rarely missed one and when we thought they were slowing down, we found a rat snake in the coop so I can't blame that week on the girls :)
I'm very new to birds but never had chickens. We just ordered these. My beau says they may be okay intermingled with the current plymouth barred rocks we have (also docile). Any experience with them with other hens? Appreciate all guidance. Excited to be learning about & caring for chickens
Welcome Birds4Life, I have a Barred Rock, and an Orpington, and a standard Cochin, and 2 other Australorps, and they all get along fine, other than the typical pecking order spats. Nothing like when i had a Black Star and 2 Red sex link hens. If you have the right Rooster, he can keep the hens in line, but if he is more laid back there can be some really bloody dangerous fights.
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