Reviews by PleasantChicken

Pros: well designed, well made, easy to use, convenient, nice looking
Cons: a bit expensive, but worth it
I had a feeder made out of PVC pipe in my coop for a long time. It was cheap and worked well. But one day I noticed a wild bird was hanging around, and my hens were not chasing her away. A few days later I noticed her go into the coop... and that became a regular thing. Then a few weeks later I noticed the bird had brought friends along to feast, and that was enough.
The Grandpa's feeder was packaged well and arrived quickly. I got the smaller one. There are detailed instructions on how to set it up and also how to get your hens to use it. Mine figured it out within a few days. I have one month old chicks now, and I'm hoping they will learn from my 8 year old hen what to do when they are big enough. It is very sturdy, and easy to fill. The edges are nicely rolled and the unit is well made. I did apply linseed oil to the wooden bar at the entrance, and I also placed some newspaper over the egg collecting grid because too much light was coming in due to the way my coop is placed.
I am very pleased with this purchase. I like the convenience of not having to fill the feeder every few days... and I like that it keeps the food clean and dry and available to my hens without feeding every bird in the neighborhood.
Purchase Price
$158.66 including shipping direct from company
Purchase Date
June 2019
"I did apply linseed oil to the wooden bar at the entrance, and I also placed some newspaper over the egg collecting grid because too much light was coming in due to the way my coop is placed"
!! Sorry.. that was from my nesting box review... don't know how it got in there!
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