Reviews by NovaAman

Pros: Mounts to a wall, less leakage, stays cleaner
Cons: Only a few birds can drink at a time
I was looking for something that would leak a lot less, take up less space. I found this in Family Farm and Home. I thought, "HEY, look at that! That'd be perfect!" I bought it and mounted it in the run just low enough for the smallest bird to reach and drink. I have less dirt in it, it doesn't get tipped over, and the biggest bonus, IT DOES NOT LEAK! The only bad thing is only a few birds can drink at a time, which isn't really a problem if you have more than one waterrer. The design also takes up much less space than other waterers. This I like even more.
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Pros: Beautiful, sweet, docile,
Cons: get food stuck to their faces
I love these birds. The rooster is so colorful and docile, and the hens are very friendly and sweet. They werent the best of layers, but they weren't the worst. I would average 10 eggs a week between the 2 hens when they were laying. They were medium tinted eggs. I love their poofy cheeks and beards. They crack me up. They are very quirky, curious, funny girls. Mr. Fluffers has been a wonderful rooster. He's the first I have ever had and maybe I just got lucky. But I don't think so. He's very good to his girls. He doesn't hurt them during mounting and calls them when he finds treats. I've seen him walking around, making the come here noise, with a treat in his mouth looking for them to share. He even defends them against the neighbors rooster. I have no aggression issues with him towards my small children either. He does not however like one of my silkie hens, and I have caught him being mean to her. So now I keep the silkies in a separate coop now just to protect the one.

Over all I give them top marks. I can't wait to get even more.

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