Reviews by NNYchick

Pros: Holds temperature well
Easy to clean and sanitize
Has auto egg roller and fan
Cons: Need to have separate humidity gauge
Only holds 9-12 eggs if using turner
Not easy to see pips and hatches
I have used this for a number of Silkie hatches, I can fit 12 Silkies eggs in the turner. Holds temperature well if in a stable room with temperature ranging from 65-75, if the room heats up the temperature goes up, I think if the unit had more ventilation holes this might remedy this some. I use it with a magicfly temperature/humidity monitor. The probes can be put in the incubator and the digital display on top. This can also be calibrated with ice water and salt test.
I set it on a folded up towel and wrap a scarf around it in the winter and this holds temperature stable.
Figuring out how much water is need to keep humidity stable takes some trial and error but I think I would have that problem with any incubator as we heat with forced air 6+ months a year.
For the price I think it is great to do a small hatch (helps keep chicken math in check). I paid $58 for the incubator and extra magicfly monitor off eBay in December 2017. At that price point I would expect to have to do a little fidgeting to get things right. It does bounce right back to temperature when lid is lifted to add water. Utube has a good review that is more useful than the manual.
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