Reviews by NixNoodleNumbat

Pros: Adventurous, pretty tame, broody
Cons: Loud, broody, escapes easily
I have 3 half batam brahmas. They look pretty much the same, except they don't have foot feathers. They are very friendly with humans. There is always a broody one. They seem to take turns. Two of them are really loud a lot of the time. The other one thinks she's one of my big new hampshire reds.
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Pros: Good egg production, good in cold weather, pretty.
Cons: Can be skittish, hard to tame.
One night I found that an extra hen had gone to bed with my chooks. I asked around a bit, and no one knew who owned her. There is a forest near me where(sadly) unwanted chickens are left, and I just expected she came from there.
So I kept the big red hen. She is at the bottom of the pecking order, and is very kind to the other hens, though they bully her. I think she is around 4 years, and she lays almost daily.
It has taken me a while to trame her, but now that she is tame she will hop up onto my lap when I sit down outside.
Though she wouldn't be considered a 'show bird', she is still beautiful.
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