Reviews by Nightbird1001


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Gorgeous, Cold-hardy, Nice Roo.
Cons: Can be skittish, Rooster is bottom of pecking order, laying isn't great.
My Buckeyes are absolutely beautiful and did well in our Alaskan winter. My Rooster is an absolute sweet-heart and loves being petted; he will sit beside me for hours just to be petted. Unfortunately my pullet is skittish and my rooster is inside the house right now because he gets chased away from the food and is really thin. I have not seen one egg from my pullet and she is 9 months old.


Pros: calm, docile, sweet as all get out, cameoflage well in spring and fall.
Cons: obnoxious about getting treats.
I love my girls the personalities are very diverse and their pattern is absolutely beautiful. They are also very smart and know that when I call out their name and their doing something wrong that I mean them and will stop whatever their doing most of the time. The only thing I find that is wrong with them is that they will stand on top of each other to get to whatever I have whether it be a treat or not.
Pros: pretty, would be great meat bird, broody
Cons: flighty, tend to be low on the totem poll
She isn't real good with being had led unless she can have her feet on something and even then she still tries to get away. She is very pretty and I greatly enjoy getting her feathers when she molts, also if she were to be butchered she would have lots of meat. unfortunately she is the lowest in the pecking order and gets picked on a lot.
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