Reviews by NHMountainMan


Thanks for writing this - they are beautiful - I may need to add some in the future!
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Blue Isbar

thanks for taking the time to document
great pics - thanks
Pros: great forager with self preservation instincts - never far from cover, always stays close to other chickens
Cons: none - provided you know they are ornamental game fowl.
the cockerels are stunning, and are in command as flock leaders. Mine being raised in a bachelor group, but access to pullets and full flock during ranging activities. Very impressed with the breed.
Pros: Easy to install
Ease of use
Cons: None
Installed the Ador1 for in 10 minutes. Plugged in the battery and tested it a few times. Left it open and came back at sunset to see how it worked.
Found the door closed, but 6 of my 10 week old pullets "roosting" on the ramp outside the coop in the secure run. Pushed the button, the door opened and I pushed the pullets inside.
The next morning, opened at sunrise and the pullets filed out. The second night - all of them were inside when the door shut. And every night since. No problems, no issues. Works every time. 3 months with no issues.
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