Reviews by MyLittleRedCoop

Pros: Covers just about every aspect of selecting and raising chickens through their various stages of life.
Cons: Being so indepth, it covers a LOT of details. It's hard to find the need-to-know bullet-points unless you mark and highlight pages.
I have referred to this book over and over again, for so many different things. It covers so many different and in-depth topics, as well as the kind of details that can only come from having experience with owning chickens. When building our coop, it provided guidelines for the basic housing needs of chickens. When the chicks came, it provided guidelines for their care. When we decided to give hatching eggs under a broody a try, it provided information on how to do all that. I have highlighted my copy in multiple colors, it has page corners folded throughout the book and has sticky-note page-tabs sticking out of all 3 non-bound sides.
This is definitely my favorite go-to book and the one I recommend to every person that asks me about raising chickens (along with this website)
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Pros: durable, easy to clean, inexpensive
Cons: None
Love this waterer.
It's perfect for 3-6 chickens. If you have more than that, you will either need 2 or you will need to refill more often.
As with many bell waterers, there is a bit of a learning curve to perfect the flipping technique. The trick is in the direction of the flip. Flip so that the tabs are being held in place and not able to slide out of their "pocket".
I don't use the handle to hang it by. With any twist-on bell style waterer, if it is bumped while hanging, there is a potential for the bottom to come loose and fall off. For that reason, it's best to support it from underneath. I put a couple paver stones under it to provide a little bump up and prevent bedding from getting kicked in.
Pros: durable; water didn't freeze; easy to clean; non-corrosive; has legs on top for stable filling
Cons: The "flip" takes some practice.
I will admit that I have managed to spill a bit when trying to flip this over. The trick is to make good and sure that all 4 of the little tabs are secured and then to flip in the direction that keeps them secured. (If you flip the wrong direction, the tabs will slide out and the top won't be secure)
I do this just outside the coop, so that if I do spill, I am not making a mucky mess inside.
I have heard reviews for a similar waterer that said that the handles can fall off. I haven't had this happen, but I don't carry it too far, and I try not to do much moving to prevent dislodging the tabs. I have mine set on 4 paver stones so it's high enough up not to get bedding or dirt kicked into it, but isn't relying on the handle to hold it up all the time.
This one has survived 2 winters and shows no signs of falling apart. If it were to conk out, I would buy another.
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