Reviews by mjbhenson


Super Admin
Pros: Great temperment; not flighty; funny personality and of course beautiful.
Cons: Keeping her hat dry and clean when it rains.
We love our Ricki Bobby! She is so sweet and generally gets excited to see us and our boxer dog Kobbra. When we have friends over, we often sit out on our back patio...Ricki is right there with everyone. She's a lap chicken! We have often said that if we could litter box train her, she would just live in the house with us. One thing that I did not realize in researching breeds before I purchased her, other chickens do not take to the crested breeds well. They can be picked on by the other boys and girls. If we had more land though, I would have 2 coops, one for my Rhode Islands & Silver Laced Wyandottes and another coop for Ricki Bobby and purchase more Cresteds!
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