Reviews by milleryardchx


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Pros: Great broodys
Cons: bad moulters
I have had two Buff Orpington hens and they both were the broodiest hens I have ever had. One went broody when I added some 8 week old pullets in with the 5 month olds.. She wasn't laying yet and she went broody and took over care of the 8 week olds. She then procceeded to start laying at 7 months old and by 9 months old was broody again she was a very determained broody she was loosing weight because she didn't want to get off the eggs I had to go in and take her off once a day to eat. She hatched 36 babies by the time she was 2 1/2. Wonderful mamas not so great at laying but a large hen great for dual purpose or if you want a broody hen for hatching Orpingtons would be your hen!
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Pros: lays all winter long good, good at free ranging
Cons: bossy to other hens
I have had two Barred Rock hens and I have 12 white rock 7 week old pullets. My two hens were great layers even layed through moulting season would come find me in the yard and hop up for attention my son 1 at the time would carry them around and they would sit next to us in the garden and lay their egg for us where ever we were :) My pullets now are very sweet they are in a tractor set up because of a hawk the kids can go out there grab a pullet and walk around with them and feed them worms they find. Great egg layers and friendly hens. Also had Partridge rock great heavy bird great rooster very sweet to hens and chicks under toe and kids could pet and feed him, been handle since 2 days old.
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Pros: nice large brown eggs, gental roosters with kids
Cons: Huge! had to make the coop opening bigger
I have had Delawares off and on over the years but right now I have the best Delaware rooster, I purchased him at 20 weeks old from a heritage meat farmer he is huge, 9lbs and is soo sweet! he lets my kids pet him he calls for the hens and chicks to come eat when he finds bugs or some yummy plant. He lets the chicks eat before he does. My favorite rooster I have ever had! Im going to cross him with with white rock hens for meat birds, Superman rocks maybe 4h next year for my son.
Pros: 300+ eggs a year and plump birds for dual purpose
Cons: larger hen if not free ranging eats a good amount of feed
I love this breed. I purchased them through nature's hatchery I ordered 25 sold 7 and gave the rest to my broody hen to adopt. This breed is great for free range their darker color seems to blend with ground and never lost one while free ranging. (did loose two to a coyote who dug under the electrical fence into their pen one night). their pencil feathering is beautiful. Rooster is very sweet he was raised with my young kids holding him (ever have a 9 to 10lb rooster hop on your lap to cuddle?) during the summer months we take them off feed and let the free range they actually get really fat that way! Great bird lays all winter long, beautiful feathering, nice bird, non aggressive roosters, good brood hen out of 2 1/2 years with this flock 4 hens went broody all hatched 90% or better. My favorite breed.
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