Reviews by LoneOak

Pros: Work great from the start, chickens love them, neat clean easy installation.
I've used nearly ever water system currently avalable for small chicken operations and these are the best. They install super easy and because of the tapered threads (something no one else has) they don't leak. They stay clean as water doesn't stay exposed to the elements and the birds go right to them from the start. It almost seemed like it was already in their brains that if they pecked these then they could get a drink. My birds have even stopped drinking from the muddy puddles when it rains. I have a couple pans that I give my birds treats in that stay in the coop, They used to drink all the water out of these when it rained, last week I had to drill some holes in them because rain water was filling them up for the first time and the birds wouldn't touch it.

When I installed my system I posted a thread and put a bunch of pictures in it so folks could see how I installed them. If you would like to see it click this link, Brand new Horizontial Nipple Water System for A Really Old Coop. I hope you enjoy!!

If you have any questiona Rich that sells them is real easy to deal with and I'll try and help if you send me a PM.
Pros: Always work
Cons: none
I really have a hard time understanding why some people have difficulty with this type waterer. They work on the simple principle that water can't escape unless air can get in. If you keep it in a location where it is relatively level then the water level in the reservoir will rise just above the line where air can't enter the container. It doesn't matter if the rubber seal is worn out or brand new, fill it fast and put the lid on it properly and sit it in the level location where it will stay. As the chickens drink the water and the level lowers air will enter and the same amount of water will exit into the reservoir, it is a very simple system that has worked for many years. My grandfather had a double walled galvanized fount many years ago and a cousin of mine still uses it today. They will last forever with just a little love and care.

If yours is leaking then you are not using it correctly and maybe you need a lesson in common knowledge or something similar!
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