Reviews by KoopOnTruckin


Super Admin
Pros: Meaty, fast growing, friendly, great foragers
Cons: My hatchery stock wasn't quite up to par, selective breeding should fix this.
I started last year with 3 breeds, all heritage hatchery stock - Delawares were not my favorite at the beginning but definitely grew on me. My hatchery stock wasn't quite up to par size-wise, but selective breeding should fix this. They seemed (what I thought was) aggressive at first, but I found out later that was just their way of being inquisitive. They are really nice hens, I currently have 2 and I'm raising another 9 straight run chicks to begin a spiral breeding program. The cockerels that I had from the first batch were pretty docile compared to the Dark Cornish and White Rocks I had at the same time. I look forward to raising a few more roos and hope they continue to be one of my favorite breeds.
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