Reviews by Knock Kneed Hen

Pros: These birds are curious and colorful. They blend in well with their surroundings. Not broody. Do well in confinement.
Cons: None
I currently have a flock of one rooster and 8 hens. I live in the mountains of So. Cal. We get hot temps and below freezing temps. These birds do well in both. They're very aware of their environment when free ranging. I've raised 6 roos to adulthood. Only one was aggressive. Mine free range most of the time, but when I have to leave them locked in their run all day they do just fine. There's been no bullying or picking on one another. Very easy going birds.
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Pros: Great layers, big eggs, beautiful feathering
Cons: Flighty
I like to be able to handle my birds. I'd break out in a sweat each time I needed to catch mine up. I look for chickens to be pets so this wasn't the breed for me. If I didn't care about that I'd have ranked them higher.


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Pros: Gorgeous breed!
I've only had one of these. I wanted a big beautiful blue roo and found a handsome cockerel on CL. He was so sweet until he hit around 8 mos. He then came at me and the kids repeatedly despite all my efforts to break him of it. He ended up going to a free range flock home. I had always been told how docile this breed was so I was disappointed to say the least. I'd like to have a couple of hens some day though. I still think they're one of the prettiest birds out there.


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Pros: Pretty, big fluffy butt
I bought one hatchery bird, now 2 yrs. old. I have no idea what her laying rate is. She's kind of skittish despite the fact that I handled her daily as a chick. She's easy going otherwise. I don't think I'd get another one, but she's so pretty to look at I'll keep her.
Pros: gentle, beautfiful, big personalities, easy to keep
Cons: none
I enjoy my little D'Uccle hens. They are so much fun!! Easy keepers, full of personality, sweet and so pretty. Nice little cream colored eggs.
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Pros: Beautiful, excellent layers, do well in all temps.
Cons: Hen was bossy, picked on younger birds. Cockerel was downright mean.
I had two in my first flock. They were beautiful, but I soon became disappointed in this breed that I had coveted ever since I was a little girl. The hen was bossy. The cockerel was just mean. He would fly at my then 4 yr. old daughter even through the run fence. I sold the hen to someone who had a large free range flock, figured she'd do better in that type of environment. The cockerel ended up in a pot. Maybe some day I'll try another one.
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Pros: friendly, easy going, beautiful, soft
Cons: I wouldn't let mine free range. I think being so small, bright white, and having her vision hindered would make her a prime target for hawks.
My Diva is kept in a pen with pine shavings so she doesn't get too dirty. I do give her time in the run to take a dirt bath. Still, she keeps clean. She is so soft, really seems to enjoy being held. She's a fun bird for the kids and they love to share her. Okay, I admit it, I love to share her!
I delight in collecting her eggs because I can't believe that a bird that already gives us so much also provides us with eggs.
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Pros: Easy going, friendly, good layers, hardy, beautiful.
Cons: None!
I have three birds that I got from a hatchery when I first got into chickens. I've sold most of all my other birds over time, but these 3 hens have stayed on because of all of their wonderful qualities. Mine tend to be on the broody side but that works for me since I don't have an incubator. They are great mom's too. I really think this is the perfect all around bird for beginners and children.
Pros: Don't need to have electricity, runs on AA batteries. Once the instructions are figured out it's easy to install. Auto light sensor is very cool.
Cons: Pricey, but pretty much all auto doors are. Not very good instructions.
I got tired of jumping out of bed at the crack of dawn to let the birds out. This is awesome!! I now can take my time getting down to the coop and I know they're tucked away safely at night too. I ordered the standard doorkeeper, outdoor install # 2100. I also purchased the large door, item #2105 as the warranty is void if you use your own door. Instructions are not the best. Foy's said they get lots of complaints that the instructions aren't written well. I wonder why they don't make up their own instructions to send along then. I am working on a second much smaller coop. The first thing I purchased was another Foy's door. To me it's worth every penny.
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