Reviews by kittydoc


Super Admin
Pros: Appearance
Cons: Bullying behavior, antisocial with people, stop laying prematurely
We had seven Silver Laced Wyandotte hens for 3 years. During that entire time, they never came to us, even for treats. They were both bullied and bullies in our mixed layer flock. By their third birthday, every single hen had stopped laying permanently. My Australorps are five years old and at least one is still laying 6 eggs per week! I know that's probably exceptional, but I expect hens to lay longer than 2.5 years, especially since they had supplemental lighting through every winter just like our other hens. You couldn't pay me to keep another Wyandotte. They are beautiful chickens, but that is absolutely their only good quality.


Pros: Pretty, get along well with other chickens
Cons: Excellent flyers (a problem is you don't free range), very active, hard to catch when you need to
We only have one Ameraecauna pullet, and she is darling but also scares me to death. Heavens help us if she ever flies over the 5' fence (which she is capable of doing), because she will have to WANT to come back over. She can outfly, outrun, and outmaneuver any creature I've ever seen! She is very cute and very clever, but that comes with a price. I am glad we have the one, but doubt we will get more. We're more used to lumbering Orpingtons!
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