Reviews by kitchenchick


Pros: very friendly
Cons: can feather pick
When we were expanding our pens I had one hen that insisted on being right where you were needing to be. very child friendly. Our 5 yr old nephew would pick this same hen up and carry her like a puppy, she just "talk" to him and never try to get away from him. I didn't really think they did well when penned. Theywould feather pick, not to the point of bleeding, but after trying numerous things to stem the feather picking just decided they had to by totally free rangers, still had some picking but wasn't nearly as bad as when in the breeder runs.
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Pros: great freerangers and feed conversion
Cons: none
Hands down my favorite of our breeds. I've heard of sometimes getting a nasty natured roo, but in the 4 years we've had them- not a one! Hens are good sized and very thrifty with their feed. Great consistant egg color and eggs. I can't say about hatchery birds, but from the lines I've got these are fantastic! If I had to only have one breed it'd be wellies.
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Super Admin
Pros: beautiful eggs, sweet hens, really impressive when grown
Cons: not easy to raise, disease prone, not for beginners
If I had known then what I know now I think I would have passed on my desire for BCMs. Even from better than average lines hatches were not fantastic. Found they are not very hardy during winter- frostbite, etc., mysterious losses, not to predators, just would keel over with no signs of sickness. On the plus (when grown) gorgeous eggs, very calm and endearing birds, beautiful to see out in their pens and pasture.

One word of advice, buy chicks or eggs locally if at all possible. I think my biggest mistake was trying to hatch shipped eggs, but that was my only option at the time. you can sink alot of money in eggs with a very small return...
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