Reviews by JonesLaneChickens

Pros: Can't burn anything, more natural option, takes less energy to warm, can move chicks out sooner
Cons: Little concerned about breaking the tabs holding it together, but so far so good
I LOVE this thing! It has been so handy this past year. Not only does it keep the chicks from getting too warm, the water doesn't heat up either.
It also works great as a brooder. I assisted a chick and a duckling and I couldn't put them under the hen, so I made a bowl out of wood chips and placed the ecoglow over top. Took a little time but it worked like a charm drying them off.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March 15, 2018


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Pros: Good Mama Hen
Decent Layer
Not an escape artist
Cons: Kind of skittish
Our Buff Minorca is such a good chicken! She lays some decent sized white eggs and is a sweet chicken (once you catch her that is). She was prone to broodiness so we finally got some eggs from some friends and let her hatch them out. She hatched 3 out of 5 (one was infertile and the other got crushed by another hen, so not her fault). She was a great mother!! She would have given her life for those chicks!

Whether she is skittish or doesn't lay well, she made up for it in being an surrogate mother. :love


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Super Admin
Pros: Great birds around kids
Very observant and smart
Nice big eggs!!!
Cons: Rough on the lower chickens
I really like our Red Stars! We started with two and have now gotten three more. The first two have officially stopped laying at 3 so very impressed with the production length. They have a tough personality and are kind of mean to the chickens that are the lowest of the pecking order. But they are so friendly!! When I have little kids come over, these are the chickens that I bring out for them to hold.
They will perch on my arm or shoulder sometimes. I love the dark red eggs that they lay!!


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